#37: Sugarscape Article- Louis (5/5)

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The One Direction lad, Louis Tomlinson, recently confirmed the rumors about him and his new lady, (Y/N)! We all knew that they had some sort of close relationship. (Y/N) has been seen hanging around the boys for quite some time now! Even before the break-up with Eleanor.

While we drowned ourselves in tissues, rumors surfaced about the two lovers after 6 months since the break up! The eldest of the boy band recently tweeted, “Most rumors I deny. But this time, I’m confirming it! @(Y/T/N) :)” 

We recently spotted the two going on a coffee run together. Aren’t they absolutely adorable! “I think they’ve always had a little crush on each other!” a source close to Louis told us.

Apparently, (Y/N) was originally their hairstylist, but got too caught up in her schoolwork that she had to leave the staff!

Lucky for her (sad for us), she still kept in touch with the lads, and became close friends!

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the beautiful couple!

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