#95: You're Plus-Size & He Defends You

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Louis:  Louis and you were out for ice cream. You had spent the day riding your bikes around London, and you couldn't think of a better way to end your afternoon. As you sat on the outdoor patio, a small crowd formed. People were taking pictures and yelling your names. "Did you want to go, Y/N?" Louis asks. He knew you hated when people took pictures of you because you were self conscious. "No, I'm having too much fun. Let's finish, then we can go" you say, taking another lick of your ice cream cone. The crowd gets louder, and you hear one of the 'fans' scream "Y/N, do you really need that whole cone?! You're going to snap the bike in half." You froze and you immediately felt a rush of tears in your eyes. Louis looked up at you. "Don't cry babe, they want to see you cry. Hold it for a few seconds then we'll leave. You have to let it go" he says, taking your hand. You pretended it didn't affect you, and in about a minute, you got up and went to the bathroom. You cried in private, devastated by what you just heard. People could be so cruel. You cleaned up, put on your sunglasses, and went back out to the patio to get Louis. When you opened the door, you were blinded by the flash. Louis was over by the railing of the patio, gripping a man's shirt. "If you EVER talk to my girlfriend like that again, or any girl for that matter, I will find you. Mark my words, mate. She could be 100 lbs or 900 lbs and she would be beautiful to me. Got it? You have nerve saying something so vile to such a sweet girl. You are a monster and you should probably try getting a life of your own instead of following us around. And if you are following us around, take jabs at me. Not her. She did nothing and didn't ask for the spotlight. I did. I have never been so angry with another individual in my life. So get out of here before I take it too far." Louis released the man and he took off. You stood there, wanting to cry thinking about the comment but also because of how Louis defended you. He walked back over to you. "So much for letting it go, huh babe?" you say smiling. "I said you had to let it go, there was no way someone was going to talk to my gorgeous girlfriend like that and get away with it." You walked arm in arm to your bikes and rode home.

Harry:  You and Harry had decided to go out clubbing and he wanted to pick your outfit. While you showered, Harry dug through your wardrobe looking for something he loved. You came out in your towel and saw what he picked. A tight black dress and red pumps. You had only worn the dress once, and you wore a loose flowing shirt over top. It was really tight. "Pick something else, Styles" you say, turning back to the bathroom. "Y/N, come on, you said I could pick and this is what I pick" he says, moving in behind you and wrapping his hand around your hips "You will look so sexy, babe" he whispers in your ear. You roll your eyes and nod, giving the outfit the okay. Harry kisses your cheek and goes to change. He wears a white t-shirt, blazer and black jeans. You put on the dress and heels, and walk out to a waiting Harry. "Y/N, my god, you need to wear that everywhere we go," he takes your hand and spins you, giving you the one over. "Wipe the drool and lets go" you say confidently, strutting towards the car. Harry drove to the club because he wouldn't be drinking. He had to get up early and go to the recording studio. When you got there, there was a mob of paparazzi out front. Harry had accidentally tweeted where you were going earlier that day, so you expected it. He got out and came around to your door, opening it and letting you out. You stepped out and the camera's flash was overwhelming. You grabbed Harry's waist and he led you inside. You were only in the club 5 minutes when your phone vibrated in your clutch. You checked your twitter notifications and saw people tweeting the pictures of you getting out of the car with nasty captions about your weight. Your confidence shattered, you took off to the bathroom. Harry followed you in and made his way over to you. "Whats wrong babe?" he says, walking over to you and putting his hand on your shoulder. "I told you I shouldn't wear this" you say, handing him your phone. He reads the messages and you see the rage build in his body. He hands you your phone back, takes you by the hand and leads you to the door. Before you step out, he hands you his blazer. You drape it over you and rush to the car. On the drive home, Harry is silent, still furious with what he read. You go inside and he immediately is on the phone. You decide to go to bed. In the morning, you wake up to Harry's voice coming from the den. You go out to see what's going on, and you see he's on the phone. You quietly stand by the door and listen. "Look, I really wanted to get one message across while I'm on the phone with you. Y/N and I were out at the club last night, and people tweeted her some really nasty things. Everyone, please understand that Y/N is not only beautiful, but she's a normal person with normal emotions. Reading things about your insecurities is never fun, and when the whole world is talking about it, its horrible. She doesn't deserve it. She's amazing. She makes me so happy. I hate that she spent the night crying because of things these idiots say, because they don't matter. But I want you to all stop and think about how you would feel if you got the messages that were sent to her. You're killing a beautiful girl's spirit, and I won't just sit around and watch it happen." Harry pauses as the other person talks. "You're right, it's a big issue today, and that's why I wanted to address it. Anyways, I want to go spend time with my sexy girlfriend so I appreciate you having me on your show, but I have to go.... Yeah... Yeah thanks, bye now." He hangs up and you run over to him, giving him the biggest hug.

Liam:  Liam had taken you to the gym to try and teach you some boxing. Being the overprotective boyfriend that he is, and knowing he was going on tour in a month, he wanted you to be able to protect yourself. You learned a few basics after the first day, and you two decided to walk home to cool off. As you leave the gym, there are people taking pictures. You and Liam smile politely, and continue walking. As you're about to turn on Liam's street, you hear one of the paparazzi make a comment about you; "About time you hit the gym Y/N! You can't expect the boy to stay with you forever if you look like that" he laughs. Liam turns around and punches the guy in the face. Shocked that your boyfriend, Liam Payne, the most innocent guy in the world just punched a man in the face, you freeze. "Y/N, lets go" he says, as he pulls you towards his flat. You get inside and your jaw is still on the floor. "I'm so sorry love, that just really made me mad. He has no right to talk to you like that. You nod, and the reality of what the man said hit you. You began to cry. "He's right" you whisper, "you have millions of girls who want to be with you. Why would you stay with me?" "Y/N, babe, I love you. I think you're absolutely breathtaking. Don't listen to him. You will always be beautiful to me" you smiled through the tears and gave him a hug. You went to get a shower and when you got out, you checked your twitter. You saw Liam had tweeted 'im srry about hiting tht guy but if u knew what he said to Y/N u wuld have done the sme, shes amazing and deserves t feel beautiful always'. You smiled and tweeted '@Real_Liam_Payne best. boyfriend. ever. love ya!! Xx'.

Zayn:  You were at a CD signing with Zayn and the boys. You were standing off to the side, but within earshot. Every once and a while, Zayn would turn to you and wink or blow you a kiss, making your heart race. You saw two fans waiting in line staring at you. You smiled at them and they snickered. You ignored it, checking your phone. Zayn had texted you "Can't wait to be done here, want to spend some time with you :) xx" you smiled at your phone. The two girls were now at the table. They looked like they could model, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. You watched as Harry saw them and perked up. You laughed, but they walked right past Harry and straight to Zayn. He looked up and smiled at them, "Hey girls." He grabbed a sharpie, ready to sign something. Instead, one of the girls steps forward "You should really leave Y/N and come home with us. Wouldn't you rather someone fit like us and less... round?" The girls laugh and your jaw drops. How rude. "Get out" Zayn says bluntly. "What?" one of the girls says, her smile turning serious. "I said get out. Don't stop at Liam, Niall or Louis. Leave." He says, and calls security over. "Y/N is perfect. Why would I go home with you when I could go home with her? You're fools if you think her weight is an issue for anyone other than you two insecure twats." he says as the girls are taken away. As they walk past Louis, he shakes his head in disgust. You walk over and give him a kiss on the cheek, before going back to waiting for him to finish.

Niall:  You and Niall were hanging out in his flat and spending the day together. You were enjoying your time together. "Y/N, I have to go shower. Wait here, I'll be done in 10 minutes" he gives you a quick peck before heading for the bathroom. While you wait, you go on twitter. You are looking at all your mentions and are happy with all the support. Then you see a tweet that makes your heart break. '@NiallOfficial says he wants to marry food, well he's well on his way to the marrying the person who eats the most of it @Y/T/N'. You slam your phone on the coffee table and turn into the couch, crying. You usually blew off hate, but for whatever reason it really hurt you today. Niall came out and saw you upset. "Princess! What's wrong?!" he asks, sitting next to you and rubbing your leg. "People think I'm fat, Niall" you say, your voice cracking. "Y/N, babe, people will talk whether you're doing well or not. You know that I think you're beautiful. Who cares what random people think of you. I get hate too. Its hard, but you have to believe what the people around you think." You cuddle up with him. You're feeling much better, and respond with a funny gif. Fans get '#Y/Nbroughttheheat' trending on twitter within minutes, and you and Niall have a movie night, forgetting all about the hate. 

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