#32: He Mentions You In An Interview... (HIS POV)

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Niall: The interview kept dragging on. The boys seemed pretty bored too. I just wanna get out of here. But as a celebrity, I have to finish all these damn questions. I just wanna be home with (Y/N). Is that too much to ask for? “So Niall. How’s the relationship between you and (Y/N)? How do you keep the relationship going for so long?” the interviewer asks, waiting for my answer. Finally a question that I wanna answer! “It’s going really well. Thanks. I mean. I think it’s the distance that keeps us close. Sounds really weird, but once we’ve been away from each other. We get even more excited when we see each other. She’s very understanding with the schedule we have.” I say, smiling like an idiot. I can feel my face getting warm. Can’t wait to get home to my princess.

Zayn: I could feel my eyes start to slowly close, but then I remember that I’m in an interview. So my eyes open back up, but then I slowly drift away. Jet lag didn’t do me any justice. Cuddling with (Y/N) sounds perfect right now. Time is feeling slower and slower. “Zayn!” the interviewer calls my name. I immediately shoot my head up. “What’s it like being away from (Y/N) all the time? Have you gotten used to it?” A smile starts to form on my face at the mention of her. “Not at all. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. It’s definitely hard being away so often, but we communicate as much as possible. We made an agreement that we would have to communicate somehow once a day.” I say, thinking about her. All of a sudden, I feel more awake than I was earlier!

Louis: Just another until we get out of here. Another hour until I come home to (Y/N). During the interview, I just nod and smile when necessary. The boys got everything else covered. “Thousands of fans tweeted in their questions for each of you! We’ll start with Louis,” the interviewer looks at me. I sit up straight, trying to look interested. “What kind of couple are you and (Y/N)?” he reads off of a phone screen. I think for a bit, and chuckle. “I don’t think we’re a typical couple. We tease each other quite often, but it’s just to show how much we love each other and how close we are. We can be ourselves around each other. It’s not really about impression,” I say confidently. I’m even more excited to get home to (Y/N) now.

Harry: I try to conceal my boredom with a smile during the interview. It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen her, and its killing me. I just want to be home in her arms. All I can do is hope that time goes by faster. I can tell that I’ve looked at the clock more than 30 times since we’ve been here. I focus back to the interviewer, and he looks straight at me. “What’s (Y/N)’s personality like?” he asks. I give him a big smile. “She’s absolutely lovely. She’s very kind, yet witty. She knows when to be serious and when she can be silly. (Y/N) is very warm-hearted and very supportive. She’s been through a lot, but she’s strong. I just love her to pieces,” I reply. I could feel the love I have for her. Cannot wait to get home.

Liam: We just got back from Mexico, and we already have an interview scheduled. No time for a small break or anything. I was hoping that I could skip out and go home to (Y/N), but management made me stay. I was growing impatient. I was tired and just wanted to go home. “How was your anniversary Liam? I heard you both celebrated it just last week!” the interviewer questions. I was out of thought for a second, but Harry nudged me, making me snap out of it. “Oh! Right. Funny story actually. We don’t really remember our anniversary. We kind of just estimated. We both agreed that we’ve been together for about a little over a year. But, we just went out on a dinner date. I even bought flowers. I haven’t done that in awhile, and it felt really good,” I smile. The interview just got a lot bette

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