#99: Hawaii Vacation

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Zayn: Your little charter plane was landing in Hilo, and you were pretty excited for the day you and Zayn had planned. You were going on a tour of Kilauea Volcano and other beautiful sites of Hilo. Zayn was excited too, as you both got off the plane and were greeted by a tour guide and a Jeep Wrangler. "Hello, welcome to Hilo! My name is Kalani and I will be your tour guide" the man said, shaking your hands. "Lovely to meet you" Zayn said, and you all piled in the Jeep. You saw all the beautiful sites of Hilo. You saw the Rainbow Falls, the Lava Tube, the Liliuokalani Gardens, the Black Sand Beaches and, of course, the Kilauea Volcano. It was a whole day, and you had a blast. As you stood at the top of the volcano, looking at the lava and the sunset, Zayn pulled you in close. "I love you, Y/N, with my whole heart" he whispered. You smiled, "I love you too babe." You two shared one of the most romantic kisses ever. You took a lot of pictures and, when you got home Zayn drew some of the sites you saw.

Liam: "What time is it?" you asked Liam. "5:30 am, but just trust me" he said, throwing you some shorts and his old sweater. "Liam... It's vacation" you growled, flipping over. He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you up. He looked right in your eyes. "Trust. Me." he said slowly. You peeled yourself out of bed, fixed your hair as best you could and went out to the main room. Liam had a duffel bag packed. "Where are we going?" you grumbled, and Liam just took your hand and walked you to your rental car. You ended up at the beautiful Lanikai beach. You two took a seat and cuddled as the sun came out. "This is beautiful" you whispered to Liam. "Yeah, and I packed our swimsuits, a change of clothes, money, towels, umbrellas, chairs. Everything. So we can stay here all day" he smiled. You were so excited. You spent the day at the beach. Liam surfed while you napped and tanned. Then you both went for ice cream before going back to swim. You went for dinner at a beach front restaurant. It really felt like vacation.

Harry: "Well don't you look lovely" Harry smiled as you stepped out in a floral print dress. Harry had on a button up teal t-shirt. "Do you think we look Hawaiian-y?" you asked, and he laughed. "We look perfect, let's go" he said, pulling your hand towards the car. You two were on your way to a traditional Hawaiian luau. You were so excited, you couldn't wait to try all kinds of Hawaiian traditions. You arrived just in time for the buffet. You tried all kinds of traditional Hawaiian foods and sat alone in the back with Harry, making things really intimate. "You look so beautiful tonight, Y/N" he whispered as you ate, and you smiled. After dinner, you watched the dancers. You were right in the front as the story unfolded, and you were mesmerized. You felt Harry looking at you a few times as you watched in awe. The show ended and on the way home, Harry took your hand. "You know, I love when we do new stuff together. It really makes me fall in love with you more" he said, and you kissed his cheek.

Louis: "Are you ready for this?" Louis asked, holding your hand. You were walking over to a helicopter. You were going on a tour of all the islands on a three hour event tour. You were so excited, and Louis seemed excited too. "Ah, this must be the lovely couple!" the pilot said, and you both nodded excitedly. "I'm Patrick, but you can call me Pat. I will be showing you around today" he said, shaking your hands. "Sounds great" Louis said, squeezing your hands. You took off and you were in awe throughout the whole trip. You and Louis held hands the whole time, pointing out all the beautiful scenes. Pat would come over the radio, telling you guys about the beautiful things you were seeing. The three and a half hours seemed to fly by, and you an Louis loved every second of it. After you landed, you thanked Pat and went back to the car. "That was the coolest thing ever" you sighed, sitting in the car. "I'm just glad we got to do it together" Louis smiled. You pecked his cheek before you two pulled out of the parking lot.

Niall: You walked out of the change room in full snorkel gear. Niall let out a muffled laugh. "Shut up, like you look any better" you laughed, pointing at his flippers. You and Niall were spending the afternoon in Molokini, snorkelling. You walked out towards the bow of the boat. "You two look great, should wear that to your wedding" Joe, your boat driver, said to you two. Niall laughed and you smirked at him. "Alright kiddos, anchor's down so you just need to get in." You and Niall sat where Joe told you to, and you both fell in. You swam around with the fish, looking at all the unique tropical fish. Niall had brought your underwater camera, and he was taking tons of pictures. You took pictures of him too, usually goofing off and making funny faces. Eventually, you guys surfaced. You both got your gear off and went back out to enjoy the boat ride home. "I don't know how you do it" Niall said to you, and you turned to him. "Do what?" "Even in that snorkelling suit, you looked absolutely breathtaking" he smiled. You blushed and gave him a kiss. "Nice one buddy" Joe said, patting Niall's back and you both laughed

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