#67: You're An Actress Giving An Interview

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Harry: "I'm just so proud of this movie, and I'm really excited for everyone to see it. I've never felt so strongly about anything I've worked on before," you stated passionately, when asked how you felt about the movie you were promoting. The interviewer smiled briefly at your answer, but quickly moved onto the next question, "And has Harry seen it?" "Harry?" you pretended to not be sure what she was talking about, though you knew what she meant. Your relationship with Harry was private though, and you didn't talk about it in interviews. "Everyone knows you two have been together for a long time, and I was wondering if he's seen the movie?" You smiled politely, and answered without mentioning Harry at all, "The only people who have seen the movie are me, my co-stars, and the director."

Liam: Sitting down for the interview, you felt incredibly nervous. It was your first major interview, and you had a horrible feeling that you'd say or do something wrong. "Just talk about the movie, and smile, that's all that really matters," your publicist told you, while someone else fixed your hair, "Oh, and remember to keep answers short and sweet if you're asked about Liam. I'm sure you will be asked, so be prepared." You nodded nervously. That part scared you even more. You'd been dating Liam for only 2 weeks, and already the world knew. Answering questions about something so new, was terrifying to you. "You'll be fine. I promise." Somehow you didn't feel that you would be; but it was just an interview, and 15 minutes later, you were fine, and you felt so much better.

Niall: "I know you're here to talk about your movie," the interviewer started right off the bat, and you already knew where this was going."But I have to ask first, because everyone wants to know. How are you and Niall?" You loved talking about Niall, but sometimes you just wished people could get through 5 questions without his name coming up. "Good," you answered shortly, not feeling any need to go on and on about your private relationship. "And does Niall like the movie?" "Yes," you nodded, while hoping your annoyance wasn't showing on your face, "It's a movie I'm really proud of, and I'm really excited to talk about it." The interview seemed to finally get the hint to change the subject away from Niall, "Well then, why don't you tell us all about it."

Louis: "I heard there are rumors right now that you and Louis have ended your relationship after many years, due to him being seen with another woman. Would you like to stop those rumors before they grow anymore?" You were halfway though an interview, that you thought was going so well, when you were caught completely off guard by that question. You sat there stunned after hearing it. It wasn't a rumor, it was sadly the truth. You and Louis had broken up only the night before though, and it was too fresh of a wound for everyone else to already know. You had to force yourself to hide your emotions and not cry, as you lied, "No, that's crazy. I have no idea where that came from. People can just say whatever they want, and people believe it." "So it's just a rumor?" You nodded, while your heart ached, "Yeah, it's just a rumor."

Zayn: There was only so many questions you could be asked, and after doing over 100 interviews, you'd been asked them all multiples times. No matter how unique something thought a question was, you'd been asked it before. By now, your answers were becoming very robotic. It was always the same. But you still acted excited and happy each and every time you answered them, "The movie was so much fun to shoot!" "Did Zayn ever visit the set?" "A few times," you nodded, reciting the same thing you'd said 30 times just today, "But he was on tour, so he couldn't come often." You daydreamed off after saying that, thinking about your date plans for the evening, once all these interviews were over. The interviewer noticed you smiling to yourself, and said something, that yet again you'd heard before,  "You look so happy talking about him." "Mhm."

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