#100: Mexico Vacation

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Louis: "Can you believe these temples are almost 3000 years old?" you said, reading the pamphlet. "That's wicked" Louis sighed. He was less than impressed to visiting the Mayan Pyramids. He was going because you really wanted to, but he would rather be relaxing on the beach. "Trust me, this is going to be cool" you smiled as he kept his eyes on the road. You two pulled up to the pyramids and were in awe. They were bigger than you imagined, and you were so excited. He was trying to hide it, but Louis was excited too. You two walked around the grounds, seeing all the sites. Louis started getting more and more into it as you climbed through the ruins and seeing all the cool sites. El Castillo was the last thing to see, and you were rushing to get there. As the sun set, you both got your pictures. "That looks wicked" Louis said, looking at the pictures as you two headed for the gift shop. You two picked out two matching pendants and decided to leave. "More fun than you thought, huh?" you smiled at him as he drove away. "Yeah, you were right. This was fun" he smirked and rubbed your thigh.

Niall: "Wow, look at this place" you said, as Niall drove in past the gate of the City Of Angels Orphanage in Tijuana. "Hello!" a woman called, rushing towards you and Niall. You got up and waved and she smiled. "My name is Jolene, I am a house parent here" she said smiling, her accent thick. "Hi, I'm Y/N and this is Niall" you said, pointing across the car at him. "Lovely to meet you" Niall said, shaking her hand. You saw a few kids looking out to you from the doorway. You waved and Jolene turned. "Vamanos!" she called, and the kids ran towards you two. You were giving out hugs left and right. You looked over at Niall, and he looked so happy. He was hugging and kissing all the kids, which made you smile. You had gifts for all the kids, and you handed out those too. You spent time with all the kids, hanging out with them and playing soccer. You noticed Niall with one of the little boys, Alex. He was two and really stuck to Niall. Eventually, it was time to go and Niall had to say goodbye to Alex. "I will come back to visit" he said, hugging the little boy. "You drive" Niall said, voice cracking. Before you left, you asked Jolene about sponsoring Alex. She was thrilled, and Niall and Alex wrote to each other often.

Liam: You and Liam pulled up to the pier where there was a boat waiting. "Hi there, welcome to Malarrimo Eco Tours, my name is Edgar" the captain said, shaking your hands. "Nice to meet you" Liam said, smiling. "So ready to see some whales?" he asked, and you both nodded excitedly. You both got on the boat and Edgar started into the ocean. You were holding Liam's hand, a little nervous at first. You eased up when Edgar called out to look at some of the birds on a small piece of land. You took a ton of pictures and were having a blast. "Wow look!" Liam called, and you looked out to see two whales swimming. One of them swam and did a flip in the water. The other one waved its fin. You took pictures and you and Liam watched intently as they swam by. "Wow, that was awesome" you said, grabbing hold of Liam's arm. "Yeah that was wicked" he said, kissing the top of your head. The ride home was spent cuddling as Edgar pointed out other cool sights.

Zayn: "Ready?" Zayn asked, and you nodded. You both stepped out of your car, and he came over and took your hand. You and Zayn were walking up the river walk of Santa Lucia. It was evening, and the lights made it look beautiful. You walked hand in hand, talking about all the fun you were having on vacation. The conversation never once went to the discussion of home, which was really nice. You two just relaxed and walked along. You two stopped and watched the fountains and grabbed enchiladas as you walked. You got to end of the river, and decided to take a boat tour back. Zayn helped you up, and you two cuddled at the front of the boat. "This has been the most relaxing vacation ever" you sighed, leaning into Zayn's chest. "I'm so glad i came here with you, you made it great" he smiled, rubbing your arm. You gave him a kiss before looking out on the river.

Harry: You and Harry had already been to Mexico on vacation when you first started dating, so you decided to do the resort scene the second time. You two went to Acapulco. "Let's go to the beach" you sighed as Harry sat up in bed. "Alright, sounds lovely" he said, and you both got up, got on your swimsuits and literally stepped out of your room and on to Icacos beach. You ran out into the water and Harry chased you. When he caught you, he took you in his arms and spun you in the water. That afternoon, you went out on a banana boat. You had a blast, and then at the end of the day you went out for dinner. "You know, you look beautiful. You look so beachy and tanned and relaxed. I love Mexico Y/N" Harry said, and you smiled. "I'll be Mexico Y/N whenever you want to take me." You both laughed and shared a kiss.

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