#75: You're Scared Of Flying

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Harry:  The idea of flying made you shake in your boots, literally. You were in the airport on the way to holiday in Fiji with Harry shaking with fear in your cozy Ugg boots. Mentally writing your will and thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong on the flight, you were mentally on another planet. A hand was softly placed on the small of your back, "You alright there, Shaky?" You shook your head, "I hate flying, it's so scary." "Oh Y/N, you'll be fine. I'll protect you, I promise."

Louis:  You and your boyfriend Louis were on the way to Heathrow to go to New York for a family friend's wedding.He was invited as your Plus One You couldn't help but be totally silent, you were too scared to speak. "Y/N, aren't you excited? You've been talking about this wedding for months!" He questioned you. You shrugged. "Oh, I know... you're afraid of flying aren't you?" He said. "No." You quickly snapped, "Okay... maybe..." He chuckled, "Babe there's nothing wrong with being scared, now I have an excuse to hold you the whole flight." Then he gave you a cheeky wink.

Niall:  You were coming home from touring Australia with the boys, you had the time of your life with them. But now you had to leave and worse, you had to leave on a plane. Ever since you can remember you were deathly afraid of flying, Niall knew that from the flight going there. You were a wreck with all the turbulence but this time he made sure you felt safe. He had you wrapped up in a blanket and cuddled between his legs before the plane even took off. He even sat through Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect, and Love Actually with you, knowing it would make you happy.

Liam:  "Y/N! You're coming to Ghana with us!" He ran into the living room of your shared flat after getting off the phone with management. "No way!" You squealed. "Way!" He picked you up happily as you hugged, "The plane leaves next week." Suddenly your face flushed, "Oh yeah... plane." He nodded, "Um yeah, how else would we get there?" "I'm not going. Flying is my worse fear." You shook your head. "Babe, you have always wanted to go on a service trip; don't let something as little as the flight stop you." He wrapped his arms around you. You nuzzled into his chest, still not convinced. "Look at me," He tilted your chin up and stared into your eyes, "I will take care of you and you will be fine."

Zayn:  "Nope." You said simply. "But Y/N," He whined, "Lou needs your help on tour. You're so good with Lux and she would rather you watch her then some stranger." "What about Tom? Isn't he coming?" You asked. "He can't, he just opened his tattoo parlor and needs to stay here." He explained. "But that means flying... a lot. You know I can't do that." You explained. "You are so brave Y/N," He began... this was going to be a speech, "What if you let your fear of flying get the best of your before this? You'd never have met me. You'd be back at home working at a pizza parlor!" You sighed, "Fine, I'll go." He smiled. "But I get to pick the movies we watch... and I get a window seat."

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