#4: You're In A Girl Group

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Liam: "So you've just announced that you and Paradise member, (Y/N), are dating. How'd you two get together?" the interviewer reads from her cue cards. He ponders for a moment before answering, "Um. I think it just kind of happened. We're in the same company and we started hanging out. Now here we are!" "What did her members say about this?" she continues. He shrugs, "I would think they're happy for her. Haha."

Zayn: "(Y/N)! Zayn! (Y/N)! Zayn!" the paparazzi shout at the both of you as you exit the airport. His hands are knotted with yours as he leads the way. "Is this your way of getting back at Perrie? By dating another girl group member?" "Is Zayn your rebound?" the paparazzi continued to spit nasty comments and questions. "The paparazzi definitely loved me more," Zayn jokes as he gets into the car. You rolled your eyes and snuggled closer to him, "Oh whatever you goof."

Harry: In the middle of your concert, all the other band members grouped together while you were doing your solo. You looked over at them weirdly and made your way over to them. Once you got to where they were, they dispersed. "I wanna be included!" you whined. The girls all pointed to the direction of the stairs and you can see Harry running up them. He hands you a rose and pecks you on the cheek, "Gotta go and catch my flight. Call me after yeah?"

Niall: He posted an Instagram video of you and your band members in the studio. He showcased the studio and a slight snippet of your new song. When you come out, he clicks the record button again. "(Y/N)'s finally on break!" he cheers. You do a couple of fist pumps and go back into the recording studio with the other girls. He faces the camera on him and pouts, "Can I be in Paradise?"

Louis: "Don't go to rehearsal," he whines, clinging onto your body. You laughed, getting out of his grasp, "You have rehearsal too! It's in the same recording studio Lou. So get out of bed." He groans, "Can't we just skip it together?" You shook your head, and walked into the bathroom, "I'm going to leave without you if you don't hurry up!" He jumps out of bed and follows you into the bathroom

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