#98: Your Kid Finds A Picture Of You & Him

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Liam: "Mom" Ollie called, through the house. You were finishing up the mopping when he came to the bottom of the stairs. "What is it sweetie?" you asked him, as he tiptoed over the wet floor. "Who are these people?" Ollie asked, showing you a picture. Immediately you were transported back to a park that you and Liam used to hang out at. You could smell the fresh fallen leaves and felt the cool breeze in your hair. You could see Liam, on his bike, surrounded by trees. You were in your early twenties, and it was a time of pure fun for you and your new pop star boyfriend. Even your worries weren't major then. "Mom? Hello?" Ollie said, snapping you out of your dream. "Oh sorry, that's me and your dad. It was taken in our, like, fourth month of dating." "Really? Do you think I could use it to paint it?" Ollie asked. You smiled widely, "Of course! Do a good job and we'll hang it up." Ollie smiled and went off to his room, leaving you with the memories of the fun times in that park.

Zayn: "Mum, why do you have an old frame photo saved?" Haven asked. You were going through old boxes you and Zayn had stored in the garage. "Let me see" you said, sticking your arm out. She handed you the picture and you smiled. You recognized that picture immediately. You loved it, and it made you feel about twenty years younger. You glided your hand across the girl, knowing that your body didn't look like that any more. You looked at the boy, seeing your husband before the wrinkles. Haven looked at you, intently, waiting for an explanation. "That's me and you dad, goof" you said, handing the picture back. "Really? No way" she said, looking at the picture again. "Can I frame it in my room? It looks so cool" she said, mesmerized by the faded colours. "Sure hun" you smiled. You mentioned it to Zayn that night, and you two reminisced about the fun times you used to have.

Louis: You walked into Kingsley's room and her computer was open. You were curious, so you went ahead and looked through it. The page was open to 'Kingsley's Korner', her blog, so you decided to check it out. You scrolled through the pages, feeling like you were her age again. Like you were up in your teenage bedroom, blogging away. You scrolled again and your heart skipped a beat. There was a picture you would recognize anywhere. It was you and Louis, on the beach, on your first vacation. You could feel the waves tickling your feet and Louis's hands holding yours. "Isn't it beautiful?" you whispered, looking out at the pier. "No more beautiful than the view I have everyday" Louis whispered back. You turned back to him and gave him a kiss, the ocean breeze tickling your back. "Mom! What are you doing?" Kingsley yelled, standing in the doorway. You snapped your head around to look at her. "Sorry honey, but come here a second" you said. "This picture?" you pointed to the screen. "Yeah I like it" she said, smiling. "That's me and your dad" you smiled. "No way" she laughed and you nodded. "That makes it so much cooler" she laughed. You got up and went to go clean, still smelling the beach as you shut Kingsley's door.

Niall: "Mom! Come here!" Brenna called. You had just walked in the door, but it sounded urgent, so you rushed up the stairs to Brenna's room. "What?" you asked, standing in the doorway. Brenna was sitting cross legged on the bed. "I was going through some old photos, thinking I could frame some for around my room and the house, and I came across this one" she said, sliding a picture to you. You picked it up and smiled. It was you and Niall, drinking lemonade. You could taste the sweetness on your tongue and smell the summer breeze. You had stopped in a small town as you travelled around Northern Ireland together. A young girl on the side of the road was selling lemonade. Trying to impress you, Niall paid $20 for two glasses. You two sat out front and drank it together, drawing a huge crowd. You were so happy in that moment. Seeing the smile on your face in the picture brought a smile to your face in Brenna's room. "So should I frame that one?" she asked, and you nodded. "Please. We'll hang it in our room." Brenna went out that night to have it blown up and framed, and you and Niall hung it that night, remembering all the carefree fun you used to have.

Harry: "It definitely isn't them" Aspen said, rounding the corner towards the living room. You were laid back, watching TV, enjoying some down time before you had to pick Grayden up from Tennis. "It is you moron. That's dad for sure!" Trent said, following close behind. You sat up, curious about what they were arguing about. "Mom. Trent's being stupid and saying this is you and dad. We found it upstairs. I'm saying its just a picture you framed for decoration" Aspen said, handing you the picture. You heard the sound of a train pulling off a station behind you. "I'm glad we're here" Harry smiled, and you nodded. You were in Holmes Chapel for your first visit in Harry's home town. You two decided to take a train, knowing it would be quicker. You stepped off on to the platform and looked out. You saw houses and fields. You smiled, and Harry squeezed your hand. "It's a lot different from London" he smirked, and you nodded again. You saw Anne waving at you two in the distance, and started walking towards her. "So is it mom?" Trent said, nodding his head. You smiled. "That's the first time we took the train to Holmes Chapel" you smiled softly. "Told ya!" Trent said, sticking his tongue out at Aspen. They both left and you made sure to show Harry when he got home. You both laughed, remembering the fun you used to have, and had the picture framed.

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