#20: You Both Go To Disneyland

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Niall: “Don’t be scared Niall. They’re just a bunch of tea cups!” you tease, pinching his cheek. “I’m not scared!” he nervously rubs the back of his neck. He was never too good on rides. As soon as you get seated in the tea cups, he grips onto the edges of the cup. You let out a loud laugh once the ride starts. His eyes are shut completely tight as you continue to spin the wheel. “No more (Y/N)!” he cries. You couldn’t help, but laugh and continue.

Louis: It was your first time at Disneyland. You tried to go on as many rides as possible. “Are you sure you want to go on this ride?” he chuckles. You give him a questioning look, “I wanna go on all the rides. You know that!” He just shrugs and gets on the ride with you. The song ‘It’s A Small World’ starts to play. Your eyes light up and your head bounces back and forth to the song. “This is going to be stuck in our heads forever,” he jokes.

Harry: “Don’t be a wuss Haz. We’re only getting a little wet!” you drag him to the Splash Mountain ride. He lets out a sigh, caving in. The contraption starts to go up. “Oh god,” a smile plays onto your lips as you hear his voice from behind you. The ride reaches to the top and suddenly drops dramatically, water splashing everywhere, making you completely soaked. “That was fun wasn’t it?” you laugh as you look at Harry’s wet attire. He gives you a sarcastic smile, “So fun!”

Zayn: “Do we have to go on this ride?” you whine as you’re in line for Space Mountain. A roller coaster in the dark didn’t sit too well in your stomach. “Yes we do. I’ll be right next to you! You have nothing to worry about,” he reassures you, kissing your forehead. The more you inch closer to the ride, the sicker you felt. Once you sit down in the ride, you totally regretted it. The restraining bars pull over the both of you. “Is it too late to get—AHH!”

Liam: “We’re almost in!” Liam giddily says as you two step closer to Toy Story Midway Mania. You giggle at how cute he was reacting, “Maybe we’ll see Woody when we’re in there!” As soon as it was your turn, he grabs your hand and runs in. “That was the best thing we’ve done all day!” he cheers, “I was really good. Don’t you think so?” “You were good, but I was even better!” you tease. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this excited about something

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