#96: You Two Try Spending Time Together On Tour

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Niall:  "Finally, some quiet time" Niall sighed, crawling into bed with you. You were on a whirlwind tour with Niall and One Direction in South America. Today was Rio De Janeiro, and you had been following them to interviews, appearances and sightseeing all day. It was almost midnight and you were finally back at your hotel. You put your hand on his chest. "This is crazy, I don't know how you do it every couple of months" you cuddled up with him. "It's tough. It's hard because you miss home and stuff. This has been the easiest tour ever because you've been here" he smiled. You gave him a kiss and he pulled you on top of him. You two were making out, and then you heard his stomach grumble. "Hungry?" you asked. "Would you be mad if I said yes?" he sheepishly asked. You leaned in and kissed him again, grabbing the room service menu while you did. "Okay, what do we want?" you asked, sitting up and straddling him. "What do we have to chose from?" he asked, laughing. "Pizza?!" you said excitedly. "That sounds good, here, I'll call." Niall picked up the phone. He made a broken English call and you smiled. You two made out and cuddled until you heard a knock on the door. You got the door and tipped the waiter before settling in bed and watching Spanish soap operas, making up your own story to them.

Liam:  You and Liam were on tour together with One Direction. You were in Cairo, Egypt and you had an afternoon to relax. You had gone swimming at the pool at your hotel, went out for dinner, did some shopping and now you were back at the hotel. "You'll never guess what I brought" you sang, walking towards your suitcase. "What?" Liam asked, excited to see your surprise. You pulled out a bag and, in the bag was ten of your favorite Disney movies. "Y/N. You. Are. The. Best." Liam smiled, and you sat on the bed. "Pick one" you pushed the DVDs towards him. "Uh... This one" he said, pushing Lion King back to you. You kissed him and went and put the DVD in the player. Liam got up and turned out all the lights and put the bar lock on the door. You decided to unplug the phone so you two would be able to relax in peace. You closed the curtains and jumped back in bed with Liam. You were about to start when Liam cleared his throat. "What?" you asked him. "I brought a surprise for you" he smiled. "We are such dorks" you laughed as Liam went into his bag. He pulled out a plastic bag full of your favorite candies. "Liam" you smiled. You gave him a big kiss. You spent the rest of the night eating candy and watching movies together.

Harry:  It had been a hot hot day in Cape Town, South Africa. You were on tour with the boys, and you had been outside all day in the sun meeting fans and doing other media appearances. You and Harry were going to go to dinner with the boys and crew that night, but you wanted to shower first. You were in the huge glass shower of your room, and you felt a cold gust of wind of the door opening. You turned and saw Harry standing there, and your eyes widened. "It says in the description of the room it's a two person shower" he says cheekily, and you rolled your eyes. Rather than getting intimate, you guys washed each other's hair and back. He also helped you wipe the left over eye makeup off your face. You two got out and put on the hotel robes. You went and sat on the bed, and you looked over at the clothes you had picked out. "I don't want to go either" Harry said walking by. You sighed, not willing to get off the bed. "So..." you started, and Harry smiled. He called Louis. "Hey mate, so Y/N and I won't be coming tonight... No we're not doing it!... Well, I don't know" you smacked Harry's arm and he smiled, "Regardless, we're not going to be coming. Okay. Tell everyone I say hello, bye!" he tossed his phone on the bed and crawled on top of you, kissing your neck. "I just want to relax, its too hot" you said. Harry sat up. "Alright alright" he sighed, and you ordered a movie on the TV and watched it instead.

Louis:  "G'day mate!" Louis called out of the van to all the Australian fans. "You're such a goof" you said to him, and you gave him a kiss. "Get a room" Harry called from the backseat. Louis smacked him and you sat back in your seat. You felt like this tour was not the special vacation you expected. You took out your phone and texted Louis. 'I miss being alone with you' you wrote, and sent it. Louis got it immediately and frowned at you. "Paul" Louis said, and Paul turned from the front seat. Paul turned to him. "Is there any way I can skip out on the interview tonight. Just Zayn and Harry go?" he asked. Your jaw dropped. They were never allowed to do that. "You look exhausted, Lou, which is the only reason I would even consider this. That and we have enough time to call them and tell them. But, you have to get either Niall or Liam to cover for you" he said. Louis turned to them. Niall and Liam were staring at the floor. "Please..." he whispered, and he took your hand. Liam caved. "Okay, I will" Liam said. You flashed him a big smile and Louis thanked him. You two got back to the hotel and changed into pajamas. "Do you want to just cuddle in bed?" he asked. "Yes, so much" you said, and you both crawled in bed. "I miss you more here than when we're not together" you said, rubbing his chest. "I know, I really needed this alone time with you" he smiled, kissing your forehead. You two talked about things before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.

Zayn:  "Okay Zayn, you're it. Let's go" Louis said, running down the hall. The boys had just finished their concert in Rome and you were waiting for the bus to come around for you to drive to Milan. In the meantime, the boys decided to play hide and seek. "Help me?" Zayn asked and he took your hand. "I wish we could spend some alone time together" you said, squeezing his hand. "I know, I would love to have some alone time with you too Boo. It's just tough on tour, you know? It's always close proximity to the other guys or the crew or whatever" he said, frowning. You nodded. You knew it was true, it just sucked. The, you saw a patch of blonde hair sticking out from behind a golf cart. "Niall!" Zayn called. "Damn it" he said, standing up. You caught the rest of the boys just in time for the bus. You went first because you knew you wouldn't work up the crowd as much. You were settling into Zayn's bunk when the boys came on. All the boys sat in the front but Zayn. He laid in bed with you. "So, I spoke to the boys and they said they would give us some time and do their thing out there" he smiled. "Really!?" you said excitedly, and he nodded. "Thanks guys!" you called out, and a chorus of "Welcome Y/N" called back. You and Zayn listened to music, talked and stole kisses from each other. Two hours later, the boys came in to go to sleep and found you two sleeping. 

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