#44: Kisses

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Harry: His large hands will hold your face between them as he stares into your eyes. His thumbs will draw circled on your cheeks and he’ll lick his lips. Finally, he’ll lean in slowly and place his lips on yours, keeping your face in his hands. It’s not a sloppy kiss, it’s a well thought out one. One that will always remember.

Liam: His fingers will interlock around your waist, pulling you into his body. First he’ll kiss your forehead, then your nose, and finally he’ll peck your lips quickly, pulling away to look at you. Once he sees that this isn’t a dream, he’ll kiss your lips again, only this time he’ll linger and take in the moment.

Niall: You two will be sitting on the couch, just watching a movie when out of nowhere, he’ll gently grab your face and turn it towards his. Before you realize what’s happening, his lips will be on yours and you’re kissing back. It turns into a little snogging session and the movie is long forgotten.

Zayn: It’s almost New Year’s and the clock is counting down the time. With 10 seconds left, He’ll grab your hands, mouth a ‘Happy New Year’ and the minute midnight hits, his lips are on yours. No tongue, just a sweet, gentle kiss to start off the new years in a perfect way.

Louis: The two of you will be running around the house, laughing and having fun when out of nowhere, he’ll just grab you by the waist and pull you into him, your lips meeting each other. It takes you by surprise, but you’re soon melting into it and kissing him back.

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