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In the morning, it's the first day of the last year of college for the elders while it's the first day of junior year in high school for the younger ones.

*At The Dhawan's*

The whole family is dressed up and ready as they were sitting around the table in the dining room, having their breakfast.

"Listen Athiya, if anything happens or if anyone bothers you, go to Varun and Kat and tell them. Or go to Deepika and tell her, she's the principal after all. Just don't be scared of anyone or anything, okay sweetheart?" Madhuri asked her youngest daughter.

"Okay mom." Athiya nodded.

"You two twins, take care of your sister and yourself as well, okay?" Madhuri looked at her kids.

"Okay mom, don't worry." Varun and Katrina said together.

"Come on guys, let's go. Today you'll be driving with me." Deepika stood up from her seat.

"Why sis, we already have our cars!" Katrina whined.

"Yeah, I know. But today you're going with me." Deepika gave her a pointed look.

"Okay kids, it's fine. Go with your sister today and don't argue with her. You can use your cars from tomorrow on." Salman looked at them.

"Okay day, but please tell your daughter to be a nice principal and not to be too harsh on us." Varun teased Deepika, making his parents chuckle.

"Oh shut it, and get up." Deepika ht his shoulder as the three siblings got up and followed their sister outside - not before bidding their parents good bye - and into Deepika's car which she was driving with Varun in the passenger seat, and Katrina and Athiya in the back.

*At The Bhatt's*

The girls and Sooraj were standing by the front door talking with their parents before heading out.

"Dad, you really don't know whose college and school these are? I mean the name is D.V.K.A university and high school, but that's obviously not the name of the owners. Also, what kinda name is that?" Alia furrowed her eyebrows, looking at her sisters who nodded in agreement.

"I asked about it and I got to know that the owner named both the buildings with the first letters of his four kids' names. He has three girls and a boy, and I heard that their family name is Dhawan. I've heard about this family before, but I don't really know them and have never seen or met them before." Saif explained to his kids.

"Did you just say Dhawn?" Alia asked, shocked as she couldn't believe her ears.

"Okay then, let's go before we get late." Disha tried to change the subject before her parents could suspect anything, and she took Alia's arm in her hands and pulled her behind her out of the house as her sisters and brother followed behind them.

"Take care guys." Kareena yelled after them as they waved at their parents.

"Okay, mom. Bye." Kriti responded before they all got into Alia's car, with Shraddha in the passenger seat and Kriti, Disha and Sooraj in the back.

"Alia, calm down. He's definitely not in town, you should know better. Didn't he tell you 3 years ago that he was going to London and he wasn't coming back?" Disha tried to reason with her sister as Alia drove out of the gates of their house and onto the road.

"Yeah, sis. Chill and don't get all worked up like this." Kriti added and Shraddha nodded in agreement.

"What is it guys?" Sooraj asked, confused.

"It's nothing." Shraddha replied.

*At The Fernandez's*

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that Deepika will be your principal this year." Ranveer told his siblings.

"Really?" Jacqueline asked.


"Come on kids, you should head out before it gets late." Karishma told them.

"Yeah, come on Adi." Sidharth stood up, followed by Jacqueline and Aditya.

"Come on." Aditya said as they all got their backpacks.

"I'll pass by to your college today." Ranveer informed them.

"You'll pass by to see us or to see Deepika?" Jacqueline teased.

"Oh, zip it and go already." Ranveer pushed her out of the room as she laughed at him.

"Bye!" The three siblings waved at their parents and brother.

"Bye." Karishma, Akshay and Ranveer waved back before the triplets headed out of the house and got into one of their cars, deciding to drive together on their first day.

*At The Kapoor's*

"Come on guys, we should go." Parineeti ushered her brothers.

"Okay, bye mom, bye dad." The boys said in unison followed by Parineeti.

"Bye guys." Shah Rukh and Kajol replied before their kids exited the house and got into a car.

"Get ready guys, today I'll be introducing you to my girlfriend." Shahid told his siblings.

"You blew up our minds with this girlfriend of yours, I really am curious to meet her." Parineeti said as they drove off towards college.

At college...

To be continued...

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