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After the 1st two hours were over, the students had their first break. So Varun was in the college cafeteria with Katrina, Jacqueline and her brothers while Alia and her sisters had gone to the bathroom and now they were making their way to the doors of the canteen as well.

Just as they stepped foot through the doors, Alia fainted as she laid unconscious on the floor making her sisters keel next to her while other students around stopped to look.

"Alia! Alia!" Shraddha yelled, touching her sister's cheek, worried.

"Alia!" Disha tried.

"What happened to her, we were just walking!" Kriti said, on the verge of crying.

The girls kept yelling their sister's name in the hope of waking her up, the students inside the canteen - including Varun and the guys - heard the yelling so they ran towards the doors where there was a circle of students in between which Varun made his way with Katrina and the others following behind him to see what was happening.

"Alia?!" Varun yelled worried, as he knelt next to her.

"What happened to her?" Katrina asked her sisters.

"We don't know, we were walking through the doors when she fainted." Disha explained hurriedly, her voice laced with worry.

"Let's take her to the infirmary." Varun said out loud, standing up before lifting Alia in his hands - bridal style - and making his way through the halls to take her to the nurse with their friends following behind them.

When they arrived, Varun took Alia inside while the others stayed outside waiting for them.


After the nurse did what was needed to make Alia regain consciousness, Varun started bombarding her with questions.

"Nurse, what's wrong with Alia? Why did she faint all of a sudden?" Varun asked her, worry drawn on his features.

"Varun, I'm fine. Don't worry." Alia said, her voice near a whisper.

"Oh really? If you were really fine as you're saying, you wouldn't have fainted." Varun gave her a firm look.

"Don't worry, she's actually fine. Her blood pressure got lowered, and I'm assuming it's because of lack of food?" The nurse turned to look at Alia for confirmation, but she just looked away not answering the question.

"You haven't eaten anything since the morning have you?" Varun gave her a suspicious look, already knowing the answer but Alia shook her head in response anyway.

"Alia, you need to just rest for the day. I don't think you will be able to go through your classes the whole day, so I suggest you go home and rest." The nurse told her.

"But, nurse-" Alia started to complain but Varun cut her off.

"Thanks nurse, I'll make sure she gets home as soon as possible." Varun gave the nurse a polite smile which she returned before she went to sit behind her  desk while Varun helped Alia out of the bed and outside of the infirmary room where their friends were waiting for them.

"Alia!" Shraddha yelled, rushing to her sister and engulfing her in a hug.

"How are you feeling?" Disha asked her hugging her as well.

"We were so worried." Kriti did the same too.

"Chill guys, nothing is wrong. It was just low blood pressure." Alia gave them an assuring smile as they pulled away from her.

"Yep, and the nurse said that she has to go home and rest so we're skipping classes and I'm taking her home." Varun told them.

"Varun, I swear there's no need. I'm perfectly fine." Alia tried convincing him.

"I'll act like I didn't hear anything. Let's go." Varun said making Alia roll her eyes at him.

"But my backpack is still here." Alia tried, again.

"We'll bring it with us, don't worry." Shraddha told her smirking.

"But there's no one home, how are we supposed to go in?" Alia asked the first thing that came to her mind.

"Alia, if my mom and dad aren't there, there is a bunch of housekeepers plus the guards. And you have your keys on you." Disha exposed her sister's horrible attempt at lying.

"Alia, you're just trying to find excuses right now and you won't succeed. So just give up." Kriti sent her an amused smile.

"Also Varun won't just let you go that easily, if he has to, he'd take you to their place." Jacqueline told her, chuckling.

"Yeah, she's right. Just give up already." Varun smirked at her.

"Okay then, let's go. Better than tiring myself with talking which will take me nowhere." Alia huffed out.

"Get well soon." Sidharth and Aditya smiled at her.

"Thanks." Alia returned it.

"Thank God you're fine, Alu." Katrina approached her before engulfing her in a hug which she returned, "And thanks for the chocolate." Katrina whispered in her ear before pulling away smiling at her.

"It was nothing." Alia smiled back.

"Anyways, boys you can tell the teachers what happened if they ask about us. And Katrina, if Deepee knows that I'm not here, tell her what happened. Okay?" Varun told them as he walked to Alia's side to help her walk with one arm around her waist and the other hand holding hers.

"Okay. But are you not coming back?" Katrina asked her brother.

"No, I'll stay with Alia until the girls are home." Varun gestured to Alia's sisters.

"Okay then, bye." Katrina waved at them as did the others.

"Bye." Varun and Alia replied before walking down the halls and out in the parking lot.

"Wait! What about my car?" Alia asked.

"Don't worry about it, you can give the keys to one of your guards when we arrive to your place and they can come take it. Plus it's the weekend, I don't think you'll need it and I'm pretty sure you have other cars." Varun sent her a playful look.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Alia let out.

"That I am." Varun gave her a cheeky smile as he opened the passenger door for her before going to his side and driving off.

To be continued...

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