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"Alia, I think it's better if we break up." Varun dropped the thought on her like it was nothing, but only he knew how hard it was to say those words to the love of his life.

"Wha- what?!" Alia sat up, pulling away from Varun to look at him, "You're kidding, right? You have to be!"

"No, Alia. I'm dead serious. I meant what I said. I wanna break up." Varun said, not looking her in the eyes still, because he knew he wouldn't be able to go on with his plan if he did.

Alia hopped off of the hood of his car, "What are you saying, Varun? After everything we've been through together? After all the promises we've made to each other? Now you want to break up with me? You're going to repeat the same mistake we did when we were younger?" Alia looked at him, eyes already tearing up and heart already starting to break.

"Promises are made to be broken, Alia. You should know that by now." Varun replied, getting down too, to stand up next to her.

"But why?! What happened? Have I done something wrong or that made you upset? I'm sorry if I did." Alia pleaded.

"You haven't done anything, Alia. Don't try and blame this on yourself. It's just I don't think it's gonna work with me in a different country and continent." Varun told her, hoping to God she wouldn't argue with him about that because even he knew his reasoning was just full of bullshit.

"Varun, I can go with you if you want. We can start our new life together there. But breaking up is not a solution." Alia tried.

"No, Alia. You shouldn't do that for us to be together. You don't have to leave everything behind just to be with me. It's best if we break up. Please don't make this any harder than it already is." Varun finally looked up at her, his eyes mirroring the same sad, broken look in hers.

"Of it's hard then why are you even going through with it?" A tear came down her cheek, which Varun saw but did his best to hold himself back from wiping it off because that would mean he still cared and that's the last thing he wanted her to think, so Alia reached up and wiped it away herself.

"Alia, please.." Varun trailed off.

"You know what, it's fine." Alia swallowed the lump in her throat - holding her tears back and wanting to stay strong in front of him, "I'm not even gonna bother. If you don't want to fight for this, for us. Why should I? You wanna break up? Go ahead, we're done. I'm not gonna try to make you forget the idea or find a solution. You seem like you've thought about everything so I don't think any of the things I'll say will matter."

"Alia..." Varun started, just to get cut off by her again.

"It's fine, really, I get it. Maybe this is for the best. And maybe long distance won't work." Alia shrugged looking away, "Also, don't worry about me telling our families or friends. I won't until later on after you move away. I'll find some lie and tell them then."

"That's what I was thinking too, no need to bother them with this." Varun nodded looking at her, as she was looking at the beach, not daring look at him because she knew that if she did, her tears would come flowing down her cheeks.

"Good, we're on the same page then." Alia nodded, looking him in the eyes one last time, "I'll come see you before your flight." She nodded one last time before walking to her car, getting in, and driving away. Her tears falling right away.

Varun was just standing there, looking at the spot Alia's car was parked in. Eyes glossy, as the tears started leaving his eyes without permission.

He leaned against his car and let them fall.

He cried because he lost the girl he loved the most and couldn't live without.

He cried because he knew he broke that same girl's heart.

He cried because he knew he wasn't getting her back.

He cried because he knew that she wasn't coming back.

But he knew that it was for the best.

He knew that breaking her heart was the only solution because that meant her hating him and that was exactly what he wanted.

He wanted her to hate him because that was what he thought was the best.

Hating him was better than being devastated by the end of it all, je thought.

After sitting there in that same place, crying until hie eyes got dried out, he took in a big breath before getting up and getting in his car, driving off.


By next Sunday, everyone noticed both Varun and Alia's sour moods and they all blamed it on the fact that they were parting ways - while dating - which they thought was way more harder than parting ways after having broken up.

Of course, no one knew that it was literally the same case because no one knew about the break up this time.

So that's what everyone thought even on the day Varun was flying away.

Everyone thought Alia's down mood was because Varun was leaving and that Varun's down mood was because he was leaving Alia behind.

No one really made something out of both their behaviors.

... To be continued

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