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"What is it that you wanted to talk about? Is everything alright?" Alia asked him the moment the door was shut, worried.

"Everything's great, don't worry." Varun smiled lazily as he pulled her to him by the hand, making her sit on his side, facing him, "I just wanted to have some alone time with you. I missed you."

"If you wanna spend time with me so bad then why didn't you tell your sister that you'd stay with?" She frowned at him, pouting.

"Did that upset you?" Varun asked her, amused.

"Of course, it did. We just got back together, Varun. And I don't want to lose any second that I could spend with you away from you." Alia shrugged and Varun pulled her to his chest, kissing the top of her head and hugging her to him.

"Don't be sad, come on. I had to agree to stay at Ranveer's or they would've taken me home with them otherwise so that they could keep an eye on me. Also, you can come visit me whenever you want and we'll always be together, I'm not going anywhere." Varun smiled down at her making her face break into a small smile as well.

"But after two days, we're all going to Singapore and you don't want to go. How am I supposed to spend two whole weeks away from you."

"Oh, about that..." Varun started.

"What?" Alia enquired.


The next day, Madhuri and Deepika drove to the hospital early in the morning to take Varun to Ranveer's place as Katrina and Alia went home to shower and change.

At the Fernandez mansion, they had prepared one of the guest rooms for Varun where he was staying.

Later that day, the guys along with Jacqueline were hanging out in his room when Katrina and Alia - along with her sisters - arrived to visit Varun and joined them.

"By the way, Kat, how did it go with Ranbir?" Varun asked his sister out of nowhere, "I forgot to ask you with everything that's been going on lately."

"Oh, yeah. You didn't tell us about it!" Shraddha mentioned.

"Why? What's going on with her and Ranbir?" Aditya enquired, looking between both the twins.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Sidharth asked.

"Ranbir asked her out a few days ago." Varun replied.

"Really?!" Sidharth's eyes went wide.

"Why do you look like you didn't like what you heard?" Varun looked at him skeptically.

"Nothing, it's just.. I was a bit surprised." Sidharth shrugged.

"So what happened on you guys' date?" Alia asked her best friend.

"You guys went on a date?" This time it was Aditya whose eyes went wide.

"What's wrong with you two? Why are y'all surprised? Like we all know how dating works, you like someone, you ask them out and take them out on a date." Varun told them, slowly, as if he was explaining rocket science stuff to a kid.

"Forget about them for now," Jacqueline told Varun as she dismissed her brothers chuckling before turning to look at Katrina, "Kat, tell us what happened!"

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