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Varun and Alia were still locking eyes, still shocked and surprised that they were standing right in front of each other, as their friends around them were just looking at the exchange - or lack of - in their case.

Suddenly, Varun closed the space between them and engulfed Alia in the tightest hug they'd ever shared.

His arms were around her waist as his head was buried in her neck, taking in her smell that he missed so much.

Alia was hesitant at first, but then she couldn't hold on anymore and she wrapped her arms around his neck, returning the hug and closing her eyes in the process as she felt the most protected and safe than she's ever felt in a long time.

She missed being in his arms, and he missed holding her in his embrace. And with that hug, they said more than words can ever be able to express.

After what felt like ages, but was just a few minutes, Varun and Alia pulled away especially sensing the looks they were getting and their friends around them, plus the clearing of throat that Varun was sure Aditya made.

They pulled away from each other, but Varun had other plans, since he stepped aside to stand next to Alia keeping an arm around her waist, which didn't go unnoticed by his girlfriend who was sending death glares at Alia whom wasn't even aware.

"You guys know each other?" Sooraj asked them.

"Uhh- yeah, it's..." Alia trailed off, not knowing what to say, but her sisters came to the rescue.

"Varun used to be our classmate a long time ago, and it's been very long since we've last seen him." Disha started.

"Yeah, we were really close friends but we parted ways somehow." Kriti added to the lie, which wasn't really a whole lie, it was partially true.

"Yep, now go to your class, yours start earlier than ours." Shraddha finished.

"Okay, let's go Athiya." Sooraj turned to his new friend and she nodded, before they both turned around and made their ways inside the building.

"Hey guys." Alia gave Katrina and everyone else a genuine smile, trying to break the awkward silence, and everyone else returned it except for Natasha.

"Hey Alia, hey girls." Katrina, Jacqueline and her brothers greeted the sisters.

"Hi!" Alia's sisters smiled back at them.

"Varun, you're not gonna introduce us?" Natasha asked him with the most fake smile the girls have ever seen.

Her eyes flickered down to Varun's hand that was still around Alia's waist, and even though Varun could see the angry look on her face, he couldn't care less. In fact he just tightened his grip around the girl he missed so much.

"Yeah, so Alia this is Natasha.. Uh- my..." Varun couldn't bring himself to say it out loud to the girl that had once had that title.

"His girlfriend." Natasha said smugly, glaring at Alia and giving her a fake smile.

"Yeah, and Natasha this is Alia. An old close friend of mine." Varun finished, leaving out the part of the fact that Alia had been his girlfriend once.

In fact his first ever girlfriend and the last as well, before he met Natasha of course.

Alia wasn't just sad at the fact that he didn't mention how they had dated before - she couldn't give two shits about that - but the fact that Varun was dating someone hit hard and she felt her heart shattering in pieces.

She wanted him to be happy of course, his happiness meant the world to her, but the fact that he seemed like he moved on while she was still crying herself to sleep every night as she thought about him, that made her heartbroken more than she already was.

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