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The girls and boys agreed to go change into more comfortable clothes before meeting in Varun's room to play a game or something. So that's what they did, went into their rooms, changed then met in Varun's room where they sat on the floor forming a circle just like the night before.

"You made my room a night-gatherings room or what?" Varun asked sarcastically.

"Shut up baby boy." Katrina teased him.

"Stop calling me that, you're older than me by two minutes for God's sake." Varun rolled his eyes.

"So you're still my baby boy." Katrina concluded making the others laugh at the banter.

"Anyways, what are we playing?" Jacqueline asked.

"Let's play never have I ever, you guys know it right?" Shraddha looked between all of them.

"Yep!" They all nodded in response.

"Then we need drinks." Shraddha told them and Varun stood up and went to the little fridge he had in his room and brought 14 cans of cola, giving each one of them one can.

"Cola, really? Can't we have beer or something?" Aditya asked incredulously.

"No, we can't. Because tomorrow we have to be up early and we have a, plane to catch." Varun reasoned with him.

"He's right." Alia agreed with him.

"Anyways, let's start. Who's going first?" Katrina asked the group.

"I will," Aditya raised his hand, "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo."

Varun and Alia took a sip from their drinks making their friends and siblings look at them with wide eyes and open mouths.

"You have a tattoo?" Katrina asked both of them, shocked.

"Yup." Alia and Varun nodded in confirmation.

"Since when?" Jacqueline asked them.

"Since we were 18." Alia replied.

"I have a feeling your tattoos have something to do with you both, I don't know why." Shraddha wondered out loud.

"Well, maybe they do." Varun shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyways, you guys have to explain how and when, you know explaining is a part of the game." Disha told them.

"Okay, so this is how it happened..." Varun started telling them the story.


Varun and and Alia were 18 years old at the time. They were at their secret place, a place they discovered while they were walking in the woods one day. They were just talking and having fun, enjoying their last week as a couple when Alia spoke up.

"Varun?!" She called him.

"Yeah babe?" Varun turned to look at her.

"I have a request." Alia told him.

"Your wish is my command, Alu. What is it?" He enquired taking her hand in his.

"You know that we have only one week before we both go our separate ways." Alia started.

"Yeah?" Varun motioned for her to continue.

"What do you say we do something together, for each other, that can stay with us forever. Even if we never meet in the future, that thing will stay with us till our last breath." Alia suggested.

"A thing like what?" Varun asked her.

"What about we get tattoos of each other's names on any part of our body?"

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