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Ranbir arrived in his room but he wasn't feeling sleepy yet so he decided to go down to the hotel's back yard.

When he arrived down at the back yard, he stood by the swimming pool and watched the sky and the stars.

After 15 minutes, Katrina came out to the back yard as well so when she saw Ranbir standing there she walked to him.

"Is there no problem if I stay here with you?" Katrina asked him.

"Of course." Ranbir replied and they stood next to each other watching the stars and the moon.

"You weren't sleepy, were you?" Katrina asked him.

"No, what about you?"

"Same." Katrina chuckled and after a few minutes, Ranbir turned to look at her.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ranbir asked her nervously.

"Sure." Katrina nodded as she turned to look at him.

"I noticed your reaction when Tiger asked you that question yesterday..." Ranbir started and Katrina immediately got reminded of the past as she looked down at her feet frowning, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just, I thought that if you got reminded by the story then telling it to someone would help. You know, to get it off of your chest. But if you don't wanna talk, it's fine. I totally understand, and I'm sorry that I brought it up." Ranbir kept on apologizing.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to apologize." Katrina looked up at him," You're right, telling the story to someone would help. So I'll tell you what happened. When I was 17, I was dating this guy whom I loved so much. Or at least that's what I thought. We had been acting for 3 months when he tried to... you know... do it with me. But I wasn't ready so I refused. He got upset I could tell but I didn't think anything out of it. The next day at school though, I had walked in the girls bathroom just to find him doing stuff with a girl whom I thought was one of my good friends. Just because I wasn't ready, he went the next day and fucked my friend. He cheated on me and that's why from that day on I've never trusted or dated anyone. That incident still haunts me to this day that I just can't like a guy without thinking that he could do the same thing my last boyfriend did. I'm always scared of getting heartbroken again and betrayed. When Varun got to know about it, he went to the guy and gave him a lesson. He would've killed him if it wasn't for Sid and Adi who had pulled him away. He did nothing to the girl because she was a girl but he made sure both of them left the school for good, and even the city. I've never seen them ever since that day he beat the shit out of the dude. But even though he left, the heartbreak followed me everywhere." Katrina finished and now she was sobbing so Ranbir pulled her into a hug.

"Don't cry, Kat. It's not worth it. That douchebag isn't worth your tears. It's his loss, he's such an idiot for not appreciating what he had. You're beautiful and sweet and kind and you have people who love you and care about you so don't cry because a dickhead didn't know your worth." Ranbir pulled away to look at her as he wiped her tears away.

"You're right." Katrina wiped the rest of her tears, "Anyways, I'll head inside. It's already late. Thank you though." She placed a kiss on his cheek, "Good night." She smiled at him.

"Night." Ranbir replied, smiling as he watched her walk inside.

The whole scenario was being watch by Varun from his room's balcony.

He smiled because he knew that there was someone other than him who cared for Katrina.

With that thought in mind, he went to sleep.


The next day, everyone got ready and had breakfast before getting in the cars that were waiting for them which drove them to the airport where they were accompanied through VIP doors to where the jet was waiting for them.

Arriving in India, each family had their car waiting for them outside of the airport which took them home.


The next day, Tuesday, at school during the second break, Jacqueline was sitting with Alia and her sisters in the front yard of the college when Katrina came running to them with the biggest smile on her face.

"Girls, you won't believe what just happened." Katrina exclaimed.

"What?!" They all asked her.


To be continued...

What do you guys think Katrina will tell them???

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