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Katrina went inside the classroom and thanked God when she didn't see the teacher there - not that she would've stopped if he was.

She marched up to where Natasha was sitting talking to a bunch of barbies that looked exactly like her and before Natasha could function what was happening, Katrina pulled her by the hair and made her stand up to face her, her friends behind her.

"You bitch! How dare you do that to my brother?! Huh?! I can't believe he actually dated you." Katrina spat out.

"Oww! You're hurting me." Natasha exclaimed trying to get rid of Katrina's hand in her hair.

"Katrina, leave the bitch for now. We don't want Deepika to get involved again. You can do whatever you want once we're out." Alia tried pulling her best friend.

"Yes, Kat. Alia's right, if Deepika hears about this she'll be more pissed. We don't want that right now." Jacqueline added.

"Let go you crazy girl." Natasha yelled.

"Crazy, huh?! Trust me, you haven't seen crazy yet." Katrina smiled sarcastically at her before her other hand went flying up to Natasha's cheek, slapping her.

"Kat, I think that's enough. If Deepika gets involved and Varun hears about it, he won't like it." Sidharth told her.

"Kat, come on. Let's sit before the teacher comes in." Alia pulled her away and she finally let go of Natasha's hair before glaring at her one last time and going to sit ewith the rest of her friends just as the teacher came back in.


School was over by 4pm and everyone was driving themselves home.

Alia was in her car when she thought of calling Varun, so putting an airpod in her ear, she dialed Varun's number and put the phone back on her lap as she watched the road.

"Hello?!" Varun picked up, not looking to who was calling him since he was driving.

"Hey, Varun." Alia spoke up.

"Oh, Alia. Hey." Varun replied, "School's over?!"

"Yeah, we just got out. I'm heading home now to change. And then we'll meet?!" She asked him.

"Yeah, sure. I'm going home too. I'll change and head out. I'll pick you up." Varun informed her.

"Okay then, when you arrive at mine, just send me a message or call and I'll be down." She said.

"Okay, sure. See you then."

"See you." Alia responded before hanging up.

*At Dhawan's mansion*

By 5:30, Ranbir picked up Katrina for their date and 10 minutes later Varun arrived home.

"Hey!" He greeted his parents who were sitting in the living room, with Deepika.

"Hey mister Varun, welcome home." Deepika said, sarcastically.

"Varun, what's with your knuckles?" Madhuri asked her son, worried, after she saw his injured and bloody knuckles.

"It's nothing, mom. Don't worry." He told her.

"How's it nothing? Tell your parents what you did today at school." Deepika stood up from her place.

"Deepika, Varun, what's going on? Why are you talking to him like that Deepika?" Salman asked them.

"Because your dear son today made a scene at school. Everyone saw what happened..." Deepika went on to tell them what she saw and what the guy and Natasha and the girl had told her.

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