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*At College*


In a hidden corner, there were two people talking in between them while unaware of the someone who was eavesdropping on the side of the wall, out of their sight.

"Listen, you just do as told and your money will be transferred to your bank account." Natasha said making it easier for the person eavesdropping to know one of the two people hidden there, while not being able to recognize the other one because they didn't know the voice and they sure as hell couldn't look to see their face.

A few minutes later, Varun, Katrina, Alia and her sisters arrived in their cars.

"Good morning." The twins greeted as they all got out of their cars and met at the school's entrance.

"Morning." The girls replied.

"Athiya didn't come with you guys?" Katrina asked them.

"No, their first class starts at 10 so.." Shraddha told her as they started making their way in, thought the front yard.

"So, how's sleeping beauty?" Varun teased Alia as he put his arm around her, following their siblings.

"Oh stop it!" Alia hit his chest, a smile making its way on her face nonetheless.

"At least thank me, I mean, I did lift you from the cinema to the car and then after driving you home, I lifted you up to your room." Varun faked offense.

"You drove me home and took me to my room? Really?!" Alia asked him.

"Yeah, who did you think it was? One of your sisters!" Varun rolled his eyes.

Alia turned to glance at her sisters in front of her before turning back to Varun, "Nuh-uh, I doubt think so."

"Just for the record, Alia, we're right here. We can hear you, you know." Kriti said from in front of them without looking back.

"I was kidding you guys!" Alia chuckled making Varun and Katrina laugh at the interaction.

"Morning guys." Jacqueline, Sidharth and Aditya - who were sitting on a bench and walked to their friends as soon as they saw them - greeted.

"Morning." The others replied, as they all stopped in the middle of the not-so-full yard of their school, forming a circle.

"How are you man?!" Sid turned to look at Varun who standing beside him.

"Good, other than the fact that my back kinda hurts cause I lifted a certain someone yesterday. But I'm sure it'll get better." Varun said, his voice mused making the others chuckle except for Alia who tried glaring at him as she punched him on the ribs.

"Hahaha, how funny!" Alia deadpanned, "You're annoying, you know that?"

"Don't get all upset on me, Al. We're just joking around." Varun sent her his megawatt smile making her lips form one of their own.

"Okay, let's go guys." Jacqueline ushered them inside after hearing the first bell ring, "Shahid and the others are already in." She added as they made their way inside the building and headed towards their classes.

They spent the whole morning, going from class to class until it was lunch break at 12pm.

The whole group of friends were sitting around one of the tables in the backyard of the college - since it was a sunny day - eating and talking around.

"You guys, I really miss riding motorbikes." Varun said out of the blue.

"But if I remember correctly, last time you were on a motorbike, you ended up in the hospital." Sid said, amused.

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