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After landing in London, at Gatwick Airport, and after going through all the security procedures, she finally exited the huge building and took a cab, telling the driver the address where she was going.

It was already 4:30pm, and by the time the cab stopped in front of the two-story house in the very calm neighborhood, it was 5pm.

Alia thanked and paid the driver before hopping out of the vehicle, getting her suitcase then walking away as the cab driver drove away.

Alia stood there for a minute, just looking at the house in front of her.

She didn't know what she was expecting to find or what she wanted to see. But all she knew was that she had questions and only Varun had the answers. So she was getting them, no matter what.

With that thought in mind, she walked towards the front door, pulling her suitcase behind her, as her heart started beating faster with every step she took.

Stopping at the front door, she rang the doorbell once and waited.

A few minutes passed making her think that no one was inside, and just when she was about to turn around and walk away, she heard footsteps approaching along with a voice yelling coming.

Varun's voice, to be exact, which made her heart beat even faster if that was humanly possible.

The door opened after a second, and both of them went still on each side of the door.

They stayed still, standing there, just looking at each other, neither of them knowing what to say.

After being silent for a while, Varun spoke up first, "A- Alia.." He stuttered, trailing off.

Before Alia could utter a words though or respond, another voice was heard from inside the house.

A feminine voice.

"Is everything alright?" A woman approached the door, standing beside Varun who turned to look at her at the sound.

Alia couldn't help but examine the person standing next to her - now - ex-boyfriend.

She seemed to be in her late twenties to early thirties, pretty, good looking, with a British accent that was hard to miss.

The first thought that came to Alia's mind made her eyes well up with tears as she felt her heart breaking into a million pieces.

Varun then turned to look at Alia and with one look at her face, he knew exactly what she was thinking and he didn't like it at all.

"Alia, I can explain." Varun started, reaching out a hand as if to hold onto her, which made her take a step back.

"I don't wanna hear it, I've seen enough." Alia spat out, turning away to leave.

"Alia, please." Varun held onto her hand, stopping her, "You're not leaving until I explain everything. You're not going anywhere."

"What is there to explain? Huh?" Alia turned to glare at him.

"It's just, I don't want you to leave thinking what you're thinking because it's not true. Trust me." Varun looked at her pleadingly and she glanced at the woman - who was still standing there - before looking back at Varun and sighing, letting him know that she wasn't going anywhere.

He stepped aside to let her in, as she pulled her arm back from his hand and took a few steps forward until she was on the interior side of the door.

"Miss Taylor, can we please talk later?" Varun looked at her apologetically.

"Of course," Miss Taylor nodded, an understanding smile on her face, "I was going to leave anyway." She held up her purse as if affirming her statement.

"I'm sorry, I'll call you tomorrow." Varun told her and she nodded as she stepped out of the house.

"It's fine, really. I'll be waiting for your call. Goodbye for now." She waved at him.

"Goodbye." He replied as she walked towards her car, and then he closed the door and turned to look at the love of his life, "Let's go inside." He led the way to the living room and Alia followed behind, leaving her suitcase at the door.

Varun took a seat on the couch while Alia stood there, looking everywhere but at him.

"So.." Alia started, after they both were silent for a while.

"What are you doing here Alia?" Varun asked her.

"That's all you have to say?" Alia glared at him, "You said you'd explain everything."

"Yes, I did." Varun nodded.

"So, what are you waiting for? Start explaining.. Who was that woman? What was she doing here? In your house, with you, all alone?" She bombarded him with questions.

"It's definitely not what you're thinking. I would never do that to you, and you know it." Varun looked up at her, hurt flashing in his eyes at the idea that Alia thought he'd do something like that.

"Well, we're not together anymore. Are we? Who knows what you'd do.." Alia yelled.

"Yes, we're not together, but I would never think about something like that. Also, it's only been a week, I haven't even moved on, let alone try something with someone else. Don't you know me well enough? Do the years we've spent together mean nothing to you?" Varun asked her.

"It seems to me like they mean nothing to you, because if you don't remember, I can remind you. You broke up with me. You dumped me. You removed me from your life as if I was nothing to you." Alia's voice got louder.

"I had a reason which you don't know about." Varun replied, trying his best to stay calm.

"Well, enlighten me, please. Because all I can think about right now is that you left me to find someone else. Someone better. You break up with me and then I find a CD where you're telling me you didn't mean any of that. You say you love me then I come here and find you with another woman. You tell me it's not what I'm thinking, and still you're not exactly explaining what the hell is going on. If you don't love me like before, I'd understand.. If you didn't want to stay with me for that, I'd understand.. If you want to be with someone else, I'd understand.. But just be honest, tell me the truth, don't give me some bullshit and leave me a CD full of crap that just confused me even more and left a million fucking questions in my mind. If I'm not enough for you anymore, then say it." Alia yelled.

"That's not the fucking reason!" Varun shouted, getting up and walking to her, standing inches away from her, both of them angry and full on glaring at each other.

"Then why are you doing this? Tell me!" Alia yelled back.

"Because I'm dying, damn it!" Varun growled.

... To be continued

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