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*At The Dhawan's*

Varun arrived home, he hopped out of his car and made his way inside where his sisters were sitting in the living room, Katrina on her and Deepika watching TV.

"Evening guys." He greeted them as he took a seat beside Katrina.

"Good evening." They both replied to him.

"I haven't seen Athiya ever since I came back home, where is she?" Deepika asked her siblings.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I dropped her off at Alia's place after you went out to meet Ranveer. Alia's brother, Sooraj, is her classmate and friend so I wanted her to stay over at theirs until I could pick her up but when I dropped Alia off while driving back home, Athiya was fast asleep and the girls told me to let her spend the night at theirs. They'll give her clothes and I'll take her backpack and stuff with me in the morning so that I can give it to her at school." Varun explained.

"Okay then, that's fine. But tell me, what's going on with you and this Alia girl? I've been seeing you both a lot together nowadays." Deepika sent her brother a suspicious look.

"Nothing, Deepee. I told you that we're just friends right now." Varun sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Forget about that now. Deepee, when are we having dinner? I'm starving." Katrina tried changing the topic.

"I'll tell them to prepare the table for us." Deepika told her sister before getting up and heading to the kitchen leaving the twins alone.

"Now, are you gonna explain to me what I saw at Ranbir's place?" Katrina turned to look at her twin as she whispered.

"What am I supposed to say? You saw what happened, we were kissing and you interrupted us." Varun whispered back.

"Well, I'm sorry. But how would I have known that you guys were... anyways, how did that happen?" Katrina asked him.

"Just like that, I told her that I still had feeling for her and then I asked her if I tried to kiss her, would she let me or not. So she told me to try and I did, and you know the rest." Varun explained briefly.

"Oh my God! So you still love her?" Katrina whispered loudly, mouth hang open in surprise.

"Well, what did you think. Just cause I dated Natasha for a few weeks, doesn't mean I forgot about Alia." Varun told his sister.

"I didn't say that. I was sure you didn't forget about her and I'm sure she hasn't either. I mean, at the end of the day, you guys' relationship was strong and you both loved each other so much to the point that no one and nothing could've gotten in the way other than the moving away you both were going through. I just didn't think you'd confess your feelings this soon, it's not even more than a week that you guys met." Katrina expressed her point of view.

"Well, I did it and I don't regret doing it. I'm even thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend again but I'm just waiting to make sure she still has feelings for me too and then I'd go for it. At the same time, I can think of a special thing to do for her." Varun said.

"My poor brother, even a blind person could see how in love she still is with you. She is as in love with you as you are with her if not more, it doesn't need two to figure that out. And if you want, I can talk to her for you." Katrina offered.

"No, Kat. Don't get involved, please. Let her be, I'm just happy that we're friends again and I don't wanna lose that." Varun said, tone kinda defeated.

"But-" Before Katrina could finish her sentence, Deepika came in.

"Varun, I'm so sorry." She sat down beside her brother and pulled him into a hug making him all confused.

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