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"Natasha, what the hell are you doing? If Varun sees this, he won't be happy." Sidharth warned her as he let go her wrist after making sure she wasn't going to slap Alia.

"Let me teach this slut some manners!" Natasha let out turning her face to glare at Alia.

"I swear if you don't shut up, we'll teach you manners!" Kriti yelled at her.

"Can you please just keep quiet so we can solve this." Sidharth looked at Kriti.

"Why should she? She's actually right, if this girl right here doesn't shut the fuck up, we'll be teaching her some manners." Shraddha glared at Sidharth before focusing her glare on Natasha.

"Shraddha!" Alia turned to look at her sister, giving her a look that said "chill".

While the girls were arguing and Sidharth and Aditya were trying to solve the problem without it getting bigger, Athiya was just walking around when she saw what was happening so she ran inside the college's halls looking for Varun but she found his twin instead.

"Athiya? What's wrong? Why are you running?" Katrina asked her sister worried.

"Take a breath, and tell us what happened?" Jacqueline - who was with Katrina - said.

"Natasha is outside spitting out insults at Alia and they're all arguing and half of the students body are gathering around them and watching. I was looking for Varun to let him know." Athiya let out in one breath.

"What?" Katrina and Jacqueline yelled in unison, eyes wide.

"I'm pretty sure Natasha started it." Jacqueline said and Katrina nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, Sid and Adi are now trying to solve whatever that is but Natasha doesn't want to keep quiet." Athiya informed them.

"Okay Jacques, you go with Athiya and see what's happening. I'll go look for Varun and let him know." Katrina told her best friend.

"Okay, let's go Athiya." Jacqueline started running with Athiya outside of the building while Katrina ran in the other direction as she went looking for her twin inside the building.


Varun had just got down the last stair after he came downstairs from the floor on where his sister's office was, when Katrina found him.

"Kat, what's wrong?" Varun looked at her as she was breathing heavily.

"Your bitch of a girlfriend is making this huge scene outside in the front yard, insulting Alia and arguing with her and students gathered around them already watching the whole thing. I was looking for you so that you can go and do something about it." Katrina explained briefly as her breathing got back to normal, kinda.

"What the fuck?" Varun spit out.

"Yep, that's exactly what's going on. Let's go!" She pulled him after her as they took off down the halls and outside of the establishment.

As soon as they were outside, they knew exactly where the argument was taking place thanks to the bunch of students who were standing there watching.

So the twins ran towards where everyone was, pushed their ways in between until they arrived in the middle where Natasha was still facing Alia with her sisters on her sides, Jacqueline standing beside them while Sidharth and Aditya were trying to get Natasha to walk away.

Katrina and Varun were behind Natasha though, so she couldn't see them.

"I swear if you don't walk away right this minute, I'll wipe the whole property floor with your ass." Shraddha said.

"Why don't you take your ass of a sister away from here and tell her to stay away from my boyfriend?" Natasha shot back.

"Natasha, just keep quiet and watch your words." Jacqueline glared at her.

"And if I don't, what will happen?" Natasha rolled her eyes.

"If you don't shut up and Varun comes right now, he-" Before Aditya could finish his sentence, Natasha cut him off.

"He'd what?" She glared at Aditya.

"I'd be upset and I wouldn't like what you're saying?" Varun suggested, his voice harsh, as he approached Alia and stood in front of her facing Natasha.

"Varun! Let me explain.." Natasha started, looking as if she was about to start crying.

"Don't you dare say another word! I heard what I was supposed to hear and I got filled on with what's going on. How could you do such a shitty thing and insult her in front of the whole school? Who the fuck gave you the right to do that? I swear I thought you were better than this, but guess everyone shows their true colors sooner or later, right? I swear you're such a snobby brat. I'm sick of you and your obsession with me that has no limits. Who even told you that Alia is stuck to me the whole time and she's the one who comes to me? I may wanna be with her and spend time with her, that's a possibility too. And maybe because I just wanna stay away from you for some time, hasn't that ever occurred to you?" Varun yelled at her and by the end of his speech, Alia held onto his bicep to get his attention.

"Varun, don't you think that's too much?" Alia whispered to him.

"No it's not, cause she deserves this. You shouldn't be feeling bad for her when she's the one attacking you." Varun told her - his voice soft - before turning back around to look at Natasha, "See the difference? She's too sweet and nice and you're just this spoiled brat who's full of hatred towards people who do her no harm. I swear I'm done with you, we're over Natasha. From now on, you're not my girlfriend and neither do I know you. I kept saying that maybe you'd change, I'd try and give you another chance but you really don't deserve it. I don't wanna see you ever again, and especially not around Alia." Varun told her, angrily.

"But Varun, she started it. I didn't do anything." Natasha lied.

"Oh God, she's still lying. What the hell is wrong with you?" Shraddha was about to take a step towards her but Alia held her back.

"Shraddha, calm down. Everyone knows who's lying here, so don't worry, no one's gonna believe her." Alia told her sister.

"Yeah, sis, chill." Disha pulled Shraddha back.

"Also, Varun is doing enough." Kriti smirked.

"Natasha, just stop. Stop lying and stop embarrassing yourself more than you already did. And just to let you know, the 2 months that we spent together were the worst days of my life. Also, this is your first and last warning. I don't wanna see you near Alia or her sisters, and even if you try and go near them, you'll find me in the way." Varun added.

"Varun, Deepee is coming." Katrina informed her brother as she saw Deepika coming down the few stairs and approaching them.

"What's happening guys? Varun, what's going on?" Deepika asked as students gave her a way in.

"Nothing important sis. Let's go guys, come on Alia." Varun held her hand in his and pulled her with him with their friends following behind them as students started walking away.

"You deserved that, sweetheart." Katrina whispered to Natasha as she walked past her smirking.

To be continued...

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