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Alia decided that she couldn't sleep so she got up, wore her flip flops before getting out of her room, locking the door behind her and then she headed down the hallway to Varun's room before knocking on his door.

A few seconds later, the door was opened and Varun looked surprised to see Alia on the other end.

"Als?!" He said, but it came out more like a question.

"I couldn't sleep." Alia shrugged her shoulders.

"Come in." Varun stepped aside to let her in before he closed the door, locked it and followed her inside where they sat on the edge of the bed, next to each other.

"Even I couldn't sleep.." Varun started but stopped as soon as he noticed what Alia was wearing, "You still have this?" He asked her gesturing to the oversized hoodie she had on.

"Yeah, because it keeps me warm." Alia replied, avoiding eye contact.

"But isn't it a little old?" Varun asked amusedly.

"But I love it." Alia responded.

"You love it, huh! And that's because it keeps you warm or because it's mine and I gave it to you?" Varun teased looking at her.

"Varun, if you don't stop the teasing. I'm leaving." Alia threatened, standing up.

"Just sit back down." Varun rolled his eyes pulling her down by her arm, "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked her.

"Yeah, why not." She agreed before removing her flip-flops and climbing on top of the bed to lay down comfortably as Varun chose a movie he knew she'd like and then joined her.


After two hours, "Oh, Alia!" Varun called.

"Yeah?" She turned to look at him.

"The song you sang a few hours ago when we were playing, it was for me, wasn't it?" He asked.

"What are you talking about? Where did that come from? I sang it because I love it and it was the first song to come to my mind." Alia scoffed, turning to look away nervously.

"But if I remember correctly, the song was dedicated to someone in the room." Varun pointed out.

"Yeah, well, didn't it occur to you that I could've dedicated it to my sisters. What that song meant to us in the back doesn't mean that it was dedicated to you." Alia replied.

"Really, Alu?" Varun asked sarcastically, "You and I, and even your sisters, Kat and our friends know that that song is very special to the both of us. And they all know that you used to sing me that all the time." Varun finished before - in a blinf of an eye - he was on top of Alia, hovering over her as he put his hands on each side of her head to keep his weight off of her.

Alia squealed in surprise as they held eye contact with each other while she could feel Varun's breath on her lips - that's how close theor faces were.

"Just admit it already." Varun smiled mischievously.

"Uhh- I- Um..." Alia stuttered not even able to form a sentence.

"Cat got your tongue, Alu?" Varun teased with the smile still on his face as Alia shook her head in no, "What happened then?"

"You're too close." She let out, trying so hard to keep her eyes on his.

"You got a problem with that? Also, if you admitted it in the first place, we wouldn't be in this position right now." Varun told her.

"Yes, I sang it for you. Happy?" Alia rolled her eyes as she pushed him from on top of her to his place before she breathed in relief.

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