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"Oh, I forgot to tell you..." Salman started, "Deepika and Ranveer are getting married next month. You all are invited." He addressed the Bhatts and Kapoors.

"Yeah, of course you are. And I'm pretty sure the kids would've invited their friends as well, so you all should be there." Akshay added.

"Okay, but when is exactly the wedding, and where?" Kajol asked.

"The kids have a holiday coming up, which will take the first two weeks of next month. So the wedding is during the whole second week. It's in Singapore." Madhuri explained.

"That's nice, we'll definitely be there." Kareena smiled at them.

"Anyways, we gotta go." Varun stood up after finishing his breakfast.

"Where are you going, son?" Madhuri asked him just as the others stood up from their places as well.

"Where are you all going?" Karishma enquired.

"Mom, we're going shopping. We need clothes for the events taking place this weekend 'cause we didn't bring any." Jacqueline elaborated.

"So you guys all agreed not to bring clothes or what?" Kareena asked them.

"Of course not, mom. It was a coincidence." Shraddha told her mother.

"But wait for a few minutes until we tell them to bring you guys cars." Saif suggested.

"No, that's fine uncle." Sidharth dismissed the offer and the others nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that won't be necessary. We want to walk around and get away a little bit from our luxurious life." Varun reasoned making everyone chuckle.

"He's right." Ranbir pointed at Varun.

"Okay then, you do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy." Shah Rukh told them.

"Athiya, come with us." Katrina looked at her younger sister.

"Really?" Athiya asked surprised and excited at the same time.

"Yep." Katrina nodded in confirmation.

"Sooraj, you can come with us too." Alia told her brother.

"Okay." Sooraj stood up along with Athiya.

"You guys head out but try not to be late for lunch." Deepika added.

"If you guys need anything or if anything happens, call me." Ranveer said sternly.

"Okay, don't worry brother-in-law." Varun winked at him making him roll his eyes in response.

"Stop wasting time and let's go." Shahid held Varun's shoulders and turned him towards the doors as they all walked to them, through the lobby and outside of the hotel.

They started walking all together, talking about different and random stuff, laughing and just having fun in general.

They wandered around the city while walking to a very known mall in downtown. They entered more than one shop, tried different prices of clothing, bought what they needed and what they didn't.

The girls, each one of them bought three dresses. One for the press conference. The second for the business partnership party. And the third was for the party they decided to go out to attend at some night club.

As for the guys, they bought three costumes too. One formal enough for a press conference, one formal enough for a business party and the third was casual enough for a night club party.

While Sooraj and Athiya bought just two costumes for the events they were attending, since going out to a night club with their siblings wasn't an option for them.

And everyone - mostly girls - bought stuff they didn't really need but liked enough to waste their money on.

So that's what they did, wasted money.

They carried on wandering around and having fun and taking pictures until it was time to go back, and they did.

Arriving at the hotel, all of them went up to their rooms to put their stuff then went back downstairs where their families told them they were for lunch.

After having lunch, everyone headed to their rooms to start getting ready for the press conference. By 4pm, everyone was ready so they all headed down to the hotel hall where the press conference was taking place.

The room was huge with people filling it. There was paparazzi taking pictures, and employees from all four companies.

The parents did the talking and announcing, while the youngers would just stop and smile as they had their pictures taken.


The whole thing took 3 hours, so after it was over, the girls and boys told their parents that they were going out for the night and they gave them permission.

So they all headed to their rooms to change into their night club clothes and by 8pm, they were all dressed up and ready to go.

This time, their parents arranged for a limousine to be waiting for them outside the hotel which took them straight to where they were going.

To be continued...

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