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The next day, Varun and Alia woke up, did their morning routine, got ready and then headed downstairs - hand in hand - to the hotel's restaurant where they had breakfast.

1 hour later, they went back to their suite where they put shorts and a swimming suit underneath their clothes before heading back downstairs and outside of the hotel.

They got into their awaiting car and drove to the beach.

The spent the whole morning tanning and swimming at the beach, having fun, chatting, laughing, splashing each other, kissing here and there and whatnot.

When noon came by, they decided that they swam enough for a day, so they got in the car and drove to a nearby restaurant to have lunch.

After having lunch, they took a ride around the city, wandering around and just chilling like old days, until the clock hit 6pm.

That's when Varun told Alia that they had to go back to the hotel to shower and get ready for the surprise he had for her. And that's exactly what they did.

2 hours later, they had both taken a shower and dressed up before they headed out.


After a 15 minute drive, Varun stopped the car on the side of the road and gave Alia a blindfold.

"Put this around your eyes." Varun told her.

"Why? Are you planning on kidnapping me?" Alia joked, taking the blindfold nonetheless.

"Why not? That's actually a good idea, we'd always be together." Varun smirked.

"But, no for real, why should I put this on?" Alia questioned.

"So that you don't see the surprise until I want you to." Varun explained to her as if he was talking to a child.

"Okay, okay, whatever." She dismissed before putting the blindfold around her eyes.

After making sure she really couldn't see, Varun stepped out of his car and turned to Alia's side, opening thd door for her and helping her out - with her hands in his - before closing the passenger side door and locking the car.

He kept holding onto her hands as they walked, or more like he walked her to where the surprise was.

When they were just a few feet away, he stopped walking, making Alia stop as well.

"Now you can look." Varun said, nervous and excited at the same time.

Alia took the blindfold off and looked at the sight in front of her, she couldn't say anything as a smile broke onto her face.

"You like it?" Varun asked from beside her, more anxious now that she didn't say anything.

"Like it?" Alia repeated as if in disbelief, "I love it!" She exclaimed before throwing herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck while he wrapped his around her waist, smiling into her neck.

"Come on, let's sit." Varun said as they pulled away after a few minutes.

Alia just nodded, so Varun took her hand in his and pulled her with him until they arrived at the table where he pulled her chair for her before sitting down himself.

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