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*At The Bhatt's*

Varun parked his car before getting out of the car along with Alia and heading to the front door of the house.

Alia realized that her keys were left in her backpack, so she rang the doorbell and a few seconds later, a housekeeper opened the door for them.

"Alia ma'am, what's wrong? Are you okay?" The girl asked her as she took in how Varun was helping Alia stand still.

"I'm fine Jhanvi, I was just tired a little bit and Varun here, a friend of mine, offered to bring me home." Alia gave Jhanvi a reassuring smile as she stepped aside to let them in.

"Hey." Varun gave her a polite smile.

"Hello Varun sir. Alia ma'am, would you like me to bring you something?" Jhanvi asked her.

"No, you can go. Thank you though." Alia smiled at her before she left, leaving the pair alone, "Okay, I'll go upstairs change into something comfy and come back. You can wait inside." Alia told Varun, pointing to the living room on their right.

"Okay, change and come down here as quick as possible. Then we'll go in the kitchen so that I can make you something to eat." Varun told her.

"Sure." Alia gave him a sheepish smile before heading upstairs, changing into a pair of shorts and a sized t-shirt then she came back down to meet Varun in the living room.

"Is the kitchen still where it is, or...?" Varun trailed off.

"It's still where it used to be, but I'll walk you so that no one notices that you know where you're going." Alia whispered to him making him chuckle as she led him to the kitchen where they found a few housekeepers sitting around. Alia asked them politely to leave and that if she needed anything, she'd call them and they left before Varun took his jacket off and started working on whatever he was making as Alia sat on a bar stool and watched him.

"So you know how to cook, huh?" Alia asked, looking at him in amazement at how he worked on his dish.

"Of course. When I was in London, I had to learn how to cook 'cause I didn't like to go out to eat all the time." Varun explained.

"Nice. So what are you making?"

"I'm making you a sandwich to eat along with a fruits juice to drink first because you didn't eat breakfast. Then I'm making a, pizza, I know you love it." Varun told her making her grin in excitement.

"Okay then, you go ahead and do you. I'm not gonna bother you." Alia sent him a smile making him chuckle before he started working on what he was making.

First he made the juice and sandwich and gave them to her to eat before he started working on the pizza, making two.

While the pizzas were in the oven cooking, Varun and Alia busied themselves with small talk until the food was ready.

"They're ready!" Varun announced as he checked on the pizzas.

"Thank God. Come on, bring it here, I love eating it while it's still hot." Alia jumped up and down in her seat in excitement like a small child making Varun laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Okay, but where do I put this one?" Varun asked her holding the other pizza in his other hand.

"Aren't we supposed to be eating both of them?" Alia enquired.

"I think one is enough for both of us, "Varun chuckled, "this one's for your sister's, I know they love pizza too. And if they find out that you ate it without them, they're gonna be mad." Varun added.

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