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*At A Fancy Restaurant*

"So how are you doing darling? How's work?" Ranveer asked Deepika.

"I'm good, and work is going well. But you know, being a principal to both a college and high school can be pretty hard." Deepika replied as the waiter brought their food.

"Yeah, I know. But what I know as well is that you can do it, because you're a strong and independent woman. Maybe even the strongest I've ever seen." Ranveer reached to hold her hand.

"Thank you, babe. You always say the right things to motivate me. I appreciate it." Deepika smiled at him before they went back to eating.

"Anyways, how's Varun and the girls? And my siblings, I hope they're not much of a bother." Ranveer asked.

"No, there's no such thing. They're chill now that they all got together. Varun is the only one who's still as childish and crazy as usual. Otherwise, everything's fine." Deepika told her fiancé making him chuckle.

"That's Varun, he'll never change. Also, I love him the way he is, I feel like we're quite similar craziness wise. Plus, I wanna marry you because Varun is your brother." Ranveer teased making Deepika laugh.

"Really?!" Deepika faked offense.

"Of course not, honey. Anyways, forget about that and let's talk about our wedding and honeymoon. Where do you want to spend it?" Ranveer enquired.

"I'm actually so excited, not much time is left until the wedding. Only three weeks or so. Thank god all the preparations are going great." Deepika sighed.

"But when will we be flying so that the others can choose their outfits? I mean, our clothes are ready but the others should go and choose what to wear, plus the designers can help them out." Ranveer suggested.

"Well, the kids have the first two weeks of next month as a holiday and the wedding will be taking place the whole second week. So we can fly there the first week, the kids can choose their clothes and even have one fun going out around in Singapore." Deepika explained.

"Yeah, you're right. So now, where do you wanna spend our honeymoon?"

"It doesn't matter, really. But if you want my input I'd say we spend one week in France, one in Germany, one in Italy and the last week in Turkey." Deepika told him.

"Why not." Ranveer agreed with her as they continued eating and talking about random stuff.

*At The Kapoor's*

Varun started leaning towards Alia until their faces were just inches away. He started looking from her eyes down to her lips as she did the same. And without second thought, Varun crashed his lips on Alia's as gently as possible and kissed her. Not much to his surprise, Alia started kissing him back.

Their lips were going in sync, both of their eyes closed, as they enjoyed the moment until it was ruined.

"Var-" Katrina started calling him as she came out through the back doors just to stop as she took in the scene in front of her.

Alia and Varun pulled away from each other - out of breath - as soon as they heard her voice and turned to look at her.

"I- I'm so sorry. I just came to tell you guys that we decided to go to the cinema, so I came to call you guys to join us so we can leave." Katrina told them.

"Okay, we're coming. You go and we'll be right behind you." Varun said and she nodded before she left them alone.

"So..." Varun started as he turned to look at Alia with an amused smile, "You didn't stop me."

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