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Later that day, the Kapoor siblings got up to leave.

"We should get going, the boys and I haven't packed yet." Parineeti said.

"Yeah, we're staying there for 2 weeks. We better go start packing so that we're done by night." Shahid nodded.

"Well, bye for now guys. We'll see you tomorrow. And Varun, see you after the holidays." Tiger did the bro-handshake-hug with Varun, followed by his brothers and Parineeti who leaned down to give him a hug.

"I wish you could've gone with us, you're really fun to be around." Arjun looked at Varun.

"Yeah, well, another time maybe." Varun chuckled.

"The 2 weeks without you will be kinda boring." Parineeti added.

"You guys left nothing for me to say, we're not going to see each other for two whole weeks." Alia scooted closer to Varun, wrapping her arms around his torso and leaning her head on his shoulder, "I'm gonna miss him so much." She pouted.

"I'm gonna miss you too, babe, for sure. But we'll be facetiming every day." Varun said, wrapping his arms around her too.

"Anyways, we'll see you guys tomorrow. And Varun, see you after the wedding." Ranbir waved at the them.

"Bye guys." Varun replied.

"Bye." The siblings said before walking away.

"I swear if they didn't leave, I would've jumped on Parineeti and pulled her hair out." Alia said, annoyed.

"I wouldn't blame you, to be honest. I mean, she knows you guys are back together and still she's making it very obvious that she has a thing for Varun. I know she's my boyfriend's sister, but doesn't mean I'll defend her. She should know her limits." Jacqueline let out.

"She's really so annoying, she was getting on my nerves." Shraddha added.

"Oh come on guys, forget it." Sidharth rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean forget it? Didn't you see how she was about to jump him right there and then if it wasn't for us here." Kriti pointed out.

"Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?" Varun looked at the girls.

"We're not, Kriti is right. And even though she's now my boyfriend's sister too, I don't think we'll have the best relationship in the future if she keeps on behaving this way. I mean, at least respect Alia who's sitting right next to you. What is she, a doll?!" Katrina voiced her thoughts.

"Kat's right." Disha nodded.

"Well then, good thing Varun is not going with us to Singapore. At least she won't see him for 2 weeks. Who knows what she would've done if he was going. She probably would've made a, move on him." Alia said.

"Babe, what are talking about? Even if I was going and she not just wanted, but thought about making a move, I wouldn't let her. I love you and only you. Don't ever forget that." Varun planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Alia, to be honest with you, if he was going with us then Pari would've been the least of your worries because girls in our family are way prettier and they pretty much all have a crush on Varun. If not now, then definitely sometime in the past." Katrina informed her best friend.

"Kat!" Varun sent his twin a glare.

"What?" Alia's eyes went wide.

"Als, please don't listen to her. Also if it makes you feel any better, then you're way prettier and more beautiful than any other girl I've ever seen. I love you and I can never think about looking at any other girl. You trust me, right?" He looked at her.

"Of course I do." Alia nodded.

"So don't worry then." Varun smiled at her before leaning down to plant a kiss on her cheek making her smile back at him.

"By the way girls, you're planning on staying single or what?" Jacqueline turned to look at Alia's sisters.

"Or is there something that we don't know about?" Katrina asked, a playful grin playing on her lips.

"Oh trust me, there's nothing. I mean we're all with you guys, even if Alia is out with Varun, we're there with you and the guys." Shraddha told them, pointing to Sidharth, who was the only other guy there with them, since Aditya was still out.

"Well maybe something will happen with you and the boys, who knows, right Sid?" Alia teased Sidharth who was drinking from a glass of water just for the liquid to come splashing out of his mouth at the statement that left his best friend's girlfriend's mouth.

"Alia, what the heck?" He turned to look at her making everyone laugh.

"We don't know about that," Kriti started, "All we know is that we're attending a wedding and there'll be a lot of guys. So you never know what happens."

"True that!" Disha and Shraddha nodded.

"You guys are weird," Varun stated making them chuckle.


The next day, every family got in their car and drove to the airport where they had a private jet waiting for them.

They got escorted by airport staff - through the paparazzi who were asking questions left and right - and then through private doors until they were outside walking towards the plane just to stop when they saw a figure waiting by the bottom of the stairs.

"Varun..." Katrina said, surprised looks on everyone's faces except one.

... To be continued

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