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At 8:30pm, the limousine parked in front of the night club and the guys hopped out and made their way inside.

The place was full of people dancing, drinking, talking, sweating and making out while the music was as loud as it could get in a place like that. It was loud to the point where you could feel the floor shaking beneath your feet while your heart thumped with each beat.

They all headed to the bar, took their seats on the empty bar stools and ordered cocktails to drink with somme chips and salty things to eat.

After a few minutes, the girls headed to the dance floor as they pulled the boys with them, except for Varun who wasn't in the mood yet.

After half an hour, Varun was munching on some chips when three slutty-looking girls approached him and starting very-openly flirting with him which made him uncomfortable since he wasn't one to like that kind of stuff.

Of course he didn't ignore them or not talk back when talked to, that's not what he was taught while growing up, so he talked back out of respect.

But after a few minutes of realizing that they weren't getting the hint that he wasn't interested, he looked away and at the dance floor looking for her.

Locking eyes with Alia - finally - she saw the look of desperation in his eyes. Having known each other for as long as Varun and Alia knew each other, she knew that he wasn't comfortable with the situation he was in. Getting flirted with, Alia concluded after noticing the girls around him.

So Alia decided to help him because he was her friend nonetheless, as she tried her best to ignore the fact that other than helping because he was a friend, she was jealous considering she still had feeling for him.

Arriving at where Varun was sitting, Alia was facing the girls' backs since they were facing Varun so they didn't really notice her there until she spoke up loud enough for them to hear.

"Sorry to say this and burst you bubble," She started catching the girls' attention as they now turned to look at her, "but if you look closely, you'd see that he's not really interested." She finished pointing at Varun.

"Are you like blind or something? Don't you see that he's really happy with our company?" The first doll rolled her eyes at Alia.

"Maybe my words weren't really that clear, so let me rephrase that. He's taken, which in other words mean, he's not single." Alia sent them a death glare.

"And your point is?" The second doll asked.

"My point is that he's mine." Alia said slowly as if she was talking to a kid.

Well maybe she was, she thought.

"And why should we believe that?" The third doll enquired, clearly mad.

"Well, as him." Alia gestured to Varun with her head and the three girls turned to look at him who nodded in confirmation.

The girls huffed out, glared at Alia then stomped away to find another victim.

Meanwhile, Varun turned to look at Alia, held her hand and pulled her to him until she was standing in between his legs while they weren't even inches apart.

He leaned down until he was in the same level as her ear, and whispered, "So... I'm yours, aren't I?"

"Yep, that you are." Alia replied as she backed her head away to make eye contact with him.

"Privé it, then." Varun dared knowing that Alia didn't back away from a dare so she took his hand in his and pulled him down from his seat and to the dance floor.

Stopping in the middle of the crowded space, Alia turned to face Varun before wrapping her arms around his neck while his went immediately to her waist holding her tightly close to him.

They starting swinging slowly to the song as Alia flickered her eyes from his eyes down to his lips and without thinking twice, she closed the space between them and crashed her lips on Varun's.

She didn't really acknowledge what was happening until they both needed air and they pulled away from each other as they looked straight into each other's eyes.

Alia's eyes widened at the realization of what she did, so she pulled away and ran - as fast as she could with the many people around - until she was outside of the club.

Varun after a few seconds of lagging, he finally realized what happened so he ran behind Alia until he stopped in front of her outside of the club's doors.

"What just happened? Can you explain?" Varun asked her.

"Nothing happened!" Alia replied, avoiding eye contact as she breathed heavily to get air in her lungs.

"And what about that kiss? Was that nothing, too?" Varun said, his voice getting louder a little bit.

"Varun, we're friends. You were asking for help so I helped you. That was it." Alia looked up to meet his eyes.

"Really? Help?" Varun yelled.

"Varun, we met after so long and we at least became friends again. So please don't let us start an argument out of nothing and lose our friendship again." Alia's voice cracked by the end of her speech and Varun's eyes softened a bit, "Please." Her eyes got teary as she approached him and hugged his torso.

Varun sighed in surrender and hugged her back, tightly.

"Okay, I'm sorry." He apologized as he played with her hair.

After a few minutes of just hugging each other, they pulled away.

"I'm really sorry that I yelled at you, Als." Varun apologized again as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"It's fine, I just want us to stay friends. I don't wanna lose you a second time now that we've met after this long." Alia looked into his eyes.

"Okay, let's just forget anything happened. Let's go back inside, what say?" Varun asked her.

"Yeah, let's go." Alia agreed before they both turned towards the doors and went inside.

They continued having fun like nothing happened, and this time Varun went to dance with Alia after she'd convinced him to.

After it was past 10pm, they decided to call it a night so they headed out of the club and to the parking lot where their limousine was waiting for them and hopped in.


After arriving at the hotel, they walked through the lobby and to the elevator before getting in and clicking the number of the loor their rooms were on.

"Are you guys really gonna sleep at this time?" Katrina asked them as the elevator started going up.

"I'm not feeling sleepy yet." Varun mentioned.

"Same!" Alia said and everyone else agreed with them.

"What do you say guys, we gather in one of the rooms and play a game?" Shraddha suggested.

"Well, the idea's appealing but what's the game?" Aditya asked.

"No party's complete without a game of truth or dare." Jacqueline said.

"That's what we're playing then." Ranbir confirmed.

"Kay." Everyone else agreed nodding.

"So you guys go change your clothes and come to my room, we'll play there." Varun informed them as the elevator stopped and they all got out.

"Deal." They all replied before they headed down the hallway, each one of them to their rooms where they changed into something more comfortable before they went to Varun's room.

To be continued...

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