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"I'm thinking about leaving the city." Varun replied honestly, not finding it in him to lie to the one person in the world he's always been honest with, other than his twin of course.

"What? Why?" Alia asked as soon as the words left Varun's mouth.

"Well, I left home and got suspended from school. I can't stay at any of the guys' places. So I think it's better if I go somewhere else, stay at a hotel for a few days. It'll also help clear my head and rest for a bit." Varun replied, turning to look at Alia who was already looking at him.

"Where are you planning on going then?" She enquired.

"I'm thinking Goa, it's usually really nice around this time so..." Varun trailed off.

"And when are you going?" Another question was asked.

"Probably tomorrow." Varun nodded, now that he thought about it.

"I'll go with you." Alia said all of a sudden, after Varun thought she dropped the topic.

"What? No, Alia, you can't. Exams are close and you should attend your classes if you wanna do good. I can't make you do that!" Varun protested.

"I don't care, I'm going with you, and that's final. Also, if it's just one week, then we'll be back before exams start. And my sisters can tell me everything I missed and give me their notes. And you're not making me do anything, I want to go with you." Alia argued.

"Okay, then what about your parents? What are you gonna tell them?" Varun came up with another excuse.

As much as he'd love it if she did go with him, he didn't want to make her miss school when she didn't have to but he did.

"Don't you worry yourself about it, I can take care of my parents." Alia looked at him pointedly, making him sigh in surrender.

He knew that she could be stubborn if she wanted to and that he wouldn't win this argument even if they kept going.

"But I'd feel guilty if I take you with me and you're missing classes because of me." Varun tried again, even though he knew he already lost this.

"Again, you're not taking me anywhere. I'm going with you because I want to. You have nothing to feel guilty about." Alia assured him, giving him a small smile.

"Why, though?! Why are you doing this?" Varun enquired, hoping for the answer to be something he wanted to hear.

"Because," Alia started, taking Varun's face in between her hands before continuing, "I care about you, more than you can imagine. You matter to me, and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've been avoiding this for a while now, but I guess it's high time I tell you. I've been trying to convince myself that we're better off as friends, and I better keep myself and my feelings under control. But I don't think I can anymore. I care about you too much, probably more than I care about myself. You're so important to me and I worry about you. That's all because I love you. Yeah, I do. I've never even stopped loving you because how could I? I loved you ever since you confessed your feelings to me when we were younger. I loved you when we broke up and parted ways. And I still am head over heels in love with you. Our break up was the most heartbreaking thing that's ever happened to me in my whole life. And even though I flew to another country and we were both in two different continents, I couldn't forget you or stop thinking about you, and about all our moments. The years that I spent with you have been the best years of my life, because every minute that I spent with you, was a minute of me being happy. Really happy, which has not been the case ever since we broke up. That day I saw you at college, I was shocked but happy at the same time, because I've seen you after all this time. But then when Natasha said that she was your girlfriend, I felt my heart shattering more than it already was. I felt like the universe was telling me that you weren't mine anymore and that I should try to move on and get over my feelings. I tried my best to be just your friend. But you made it hard, you kept spending time with me and sticking to my side more than what I was hoping for since I was trying to move on. I felt as if we were back in high school and we're together, you made me have a great time and defended me in front of the whole school. So I couldn't forget about you or get my feelings to go away. In fact, my love for you grew bigger these past few days. I can't stay away from you. And when you told me the other day that you still had feelings for me, I really wanted to tell you that I felt the same way but I don't why I didn't. However, I thought a lot about it and decided that I better hurry up and say it before I lose you. I saw the way Pari looked at you and I didn't like it. I was worried that she'd make a move and I did get jealous. I admit that. So, I'm gonna say it again, I love you." Alia finished.

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