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1 week after Varun moved to London, Alia's mood was way worse than it was the week before Varun left. And still, everyone thought that she was so upset because her boyfriend was away.

During the weekend of that week, Alia had went to visit Katrina who called her to see if she wanted to hangout since pretty much all the other ones were out with their partners and mostly Katrina just wanted some alone time with her best friend, because she thought Alia could use it.

They were hanging out in Katrina's room, talking and just spending time like they used to when they were younger.

Katrina tried getting Alia to say something about why she's been all sad and depressed but Alia wasn't really cooperating.

Later that day, when Alia was leaving - after she insisted that she knew the way very well because Katrina wanted to walk her out - she passed by Varun's room when a thought popped up in her head.

She hesitated for a minute before approaching the door, opening, getting inside and closing it behind her.

She smelled Varun's scent before even taking in the room that she's been in so many times.

Being there brought tears to her eyes as she immediately remembered all the times they spent in every corner of the room.

On the bed, on the couch, at the desk, in the bathroom.

All of them.

She started walking slowly further into the room, reminiscing all the moments they had together in every place.

Wherever she looked, an image of her and Varun from when they were still together - both times before they broke up - would pop up as if she watching a movie about her relationship.

She then walked to the walk-in closet and grabbed a hoodie, one of the few pieces of clothing that were still there, and pulled it to her nose, trying to get as close to Varun as she possibly could.

A tear rolled down her cheek immediately.

While she was still in the closet, she remembered something that Varun had and that only she knew about.

A box.

A not-so-small not-so-big wooden box in which Varun used to collect everything related to Alia or things that were meaningful to him and that had something to do with their relationship.

He had it in high school and he had told Alia about it and about where he kept it. Then after they arrived back from Singapore, she had asked him about it just for him to tell her than - in fact - he still had it because it meant so much to him, that he couldn't bare to lose it or get rid of it.

Alia quickly put the hoodie away and went to look in the place where the box was usually kept by Varun.

It was in the closet anyhow, on one of the shelves, it was like a small sliding door that Varun would open and get the box out of its place.

Alia did what she remembered seeing Varun do to get the box out, and to her surprise the box was there.

Has it became meaningless to him to the point that he left behind on purpose, she thought.

Did he really not want anything to do with Alia anymore, that he left the only thing that could possibly remind him of her.

Despite the thought that broke her heart to million pieces more than it already was, she took the box out and walked out back to the room where she sat on the bed and placed the wooden object in front of her.

She braced herself before pulling it open.

She noticed how everything was still there.

Some cute Polaroid pictures of both of them or just her. Some souvenirs they'd bought for each other. A pair of matching couples bracelets they used to wear when they were just teens. The notes they used to pass each other in class.

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