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When the last bell rang, everyone rushed out to their cars to go home.

Alia was heading out along with her sisters, they just stepped out of the building's gates and were heading towards their cars just to meet Varun leaning against his.

"Varun? What are you still doing here?" Alia asked him as her sisters and her stopped in front of him.

"I'm waiting for someone." Varun replied.

"And who's that?" Alia asked again, her brows furrowing in what she hoped wasn't because of the fact that what he said made her upset.

And she surely hoped and mentally started convincing herself that what she was feeling wasn't jealousy.

"You!" Varun said in a duh tone.

"Me? Why?" Alia enquired, trying to hide her excitement and the smile that was fighting to show on her face.

"To bid you goodbye." Varun said sarcastically, "To give you a ride home!" He rolled his eyes at her.

"You do know that I could just catch a ride with my sisters, right?" She wondered.

"You came with me so you're going back with me. Also, maybe your sisters aren't heading home. Right girls?" Varun asked them making Alia turn to look at them as well giving Varun the opportunity to send them a wink so that they could get the message.

"Yep, I'm not going home. I'm going shopping." Shraddha said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Yeah, and I'm.. Uh, I'm meeting a friend of mine." Disha thought of a, lie as well.

"And me, uh.. Um- I'm going with her." Kriti said - pointing at Disha - when she couldn't think of anything else.

"See?" Varun turned to smirk at Alia, "You have no other option but to ride with me."

"Okay, let's go." Alia rolled her eyes at his smugness as she walked to the passenger's side.

"Bye girls." Varun waved at the girls, sending them a thankful smile which they returned.

"Bye." They waved at them before they got in their cars and drove off.


During the drive, Alia noticed that Varun took a different turn from the one that he should've went from if he wanted to drop her home.

"Varun, did you forget or what? This is not the way home." Alia pointed out.

"I know, but it's still too early to head home. Let's go somewhere else, to watch the sunset or whatever. We can even talk for a while and just do something." Varun suggested.

"Okay, seems like a good idea." Alia smiled as the wind coming from the car window played with her hair.

After a few minutes, Varun parked the car on a cliff side that overlooked the beach what the sunset in the background.

Varun and Alia hopped out before leaning - next to each other - against the hood of the car as they watched the sun setting.

"Varun." Alia called.

"Hmm." Varun hummed in response.

"I'm sorry." Alia said making him turn to look at her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why?" Varun asked confused.

"Because you and Natasha broke up because of me." Alia replied, looking down, not daring to meet his eyes.

"Alia, please. Don't ever say that again. I told you even before all this happened that I was planning on breaking it off with her. You had nothing to do with it, it's just the right timing came today during that argument." Varun reasoned with her.

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