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Inside the halls of D.V.K.A college, during the second break of the day, Jacqueline was standing in front of her locker with Varun and Katrina, they were talking about different stuff when Shahid approached them with his siblings.

"Jacqueline, these are my siblings. Parineeti, Arjun, Ranbir and Tiger. And guys, this is jacqueline, my girlfriend and her two best friends, Varun and Katrina, they're twins." Shahid introduced everyone to one another.

"Hi, nice meeting you guys." Jacqueline smiled at them.

"Hey." Varun and Katrina said together, sending the siblings a friendly small smile.

"Likewise." The siblings replied, smiling at them.

"You know what, Jacqueline. Shahid has never stopped talking about you ever since you guys got together. But it's really nice to finally meet you in person, and put a face to the name." Parineeti smiled at her.

"Yeah, I'm glad we did." Jacqueline smiled back.

After that, the bell rang and everyone headed to their 1 hour class, and the last one before lunch break.

When the hour was up and the bell rang signaling lunch break, students rushed out of their classes and headed to the canteen, some sitting there while others took their lunch and sat outside since the weather was beautiful that day.

Varun, Katrina, Jacqueline, Sidharth and Aditya were having their lunch outside in the front yard when a fancy car stopped outside at the building's parking lot, and Ranveer came out of it before he entered through the big gates and the first thing he noticed was his siblings and fiancée's siblings so he headed towards their table.

"Hey guys!" Ranveer greeted them, making them all look up at him.

"Hey Ranveer!" Varun and Katrina said.

"Hey bro." Jacqueline greeted back.

"Hey!" Aditya and Sidharth said.

"How's your first day of college been so far?" Ranveer asked them.

"So far so fine." They all replied at the same time, making Ranveer roll his eyes.

"Good. Well, is Deepika in her office?" He asked them.

"She hasn't even got out of it." Varun rolled his eyes, making the others chuckle.

"Okay, I'll go see her. See you guys later." He waved at them - as they waved back - before heading towards the doors of the building and walking inside.


At 4pm, school and college were over so everyone headed home tired.

*At The Bhatt's*

Alia was chilling in her room, laying on top of her queen-sized bed and thinking about everything that happened that day when her sisters entered her bedroom and closed the door behind them before they sat down, Shraddha on the desk's chair, Disha on the couch and Kriti beside Alia on the bed.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Disha asked her sister.

"What are you talking about?" Alia played oblivious.

"Alia, don't act like you don't know what we're talking about here. You know pretty well that she meant Varun." Kriti rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Okay, Varun. But why would I be thinking about him?" Alia sat up, facing her sisters.

"Are you stupid or are you just acting dumb?" Shraddha asked rhetorically, "We all know that despite the fact that you guys broke up on good terms, and even though you were kinda obligated to do so, but we knew that you were still so in love with him and we could see it in your eyes. And today we saw the same thing, so are you still in love with him?" Shraddha asked her gently.

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