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Aditya went upstairs to the suite he shared with Varun and Sidharth just to find them in the living room area, each one of them laying on a couch, talking, just for them to stop when he stepped in.

"Adi, where have you been dude?" Varun sat up, after seeing his best friend.

"And you weren't answering your phone. The family came and they were asking about you." Sidharth added, following Varun's actions.

"I was just walking around and clearing my head. I'll see them tomorrow, anyway. It's not like they're leaving tonight." Aditya shrugged.

"Adi, I'm really sorry about what happened." Varun said.

"Why are you sorry? You had nothing to do with it. Also, I just spoke with Kat downstairs in the back yard, and we're cool. We're definitely still friends, but I'm not sure if it's gonna be the same as before or not." Aditya mentioned.

"I really don't know what to say.." Sidharth trailed off.

"Don't say anything, I'm fine guys. Really," Aditya assured them, "Anyways, I'm really tired. So I'm gonna head to my room and sleep. See you guys tomorrow. Good night." He gave them a salute motion as he got two good night's in response before he left to his room.

"It definitely was a long day, it's better if we go sleep as well. And I'm sure they'll want us to take our cousins tomorrow out to show them around. So we have to get as many hours of sleep as possible." Sidharth groaned, not liking the idea.

"Oh, don't remind me. It's like we're some tourist guides and shit." Varun rolled his eyes before they both left to their rooms.

Meanwhile, in the girls' suite, Katrina came back just to find Alia and Jacqueline waiting for her where she left them earlier.

"What happened?" Alia jumped up as soon as she saw her, followed by Jacqueline.

"Why do you look upset? Did you guys get into an argument or something?" Jacqueline wondered.

"No, we didn't. It's just that he was really sad, I've never seen him that sad before." Katrina started telling them what happened as she took a seat on a couch, "I just hated myself for making my best friend for years feel that way. And what's worse is that he told me he loved me once again. Why is life this hard? Like why couldn't I have loved him too and now we probably would've been a happy couple. I really hate myself for breaking his heart."

"Kat, honey.." Alia took a seat next to her, hugging her, "Don't say that, one can't really control their feelings. You can wish that his feelings weren't one-sided all you want, but life's a bitch. It always puts us in situations we don't like, but we have to stay strong and go through them together. No one can know what God and destiny have in store for them."

"I second that," Jacqueline too a seat on Katrina's other side, wrapping her arms around both her best friends, "She's right in everything she said. Also, if you guys are still friends then that's great. And I know my brother pretty well, he'll forget about this before you know it and everything will be goo again."

"Come on, Kat, let's go to sleep. It's been a tiring day and we need a little rest." Alia stood up, both girls following suit.

"We definitely do, because that's the last thing we'll be getting in these two upcoming weeks." Jacqueline agreed and then they wished each other a good night before each one of them headed to her own room.


In the morning, two long tables were prepared for the families outside in the back yard, one for the parents and the other one for the kids.

Everyone had already woken up and gotten ready. They were all downstairs starting breakfast, when the boys joined them.

"Good morning!" The girls and guys sitting already around the table wished the three boys.

"Morning." Varun, Sidharth and Aditya replied as the former walked behind his girlfriend's chair, while the other two took two other seats.

"Morning beautiful." Varun smiled down at Alia before leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead making her smile widen, "Slept good?"

"Morning babe," She replied as he took a seat next to her, "I did, and even if I didn't, my mood would've gotten better just by seeing you." She whispered the last part in his ear.

"These two are too cute, I SHIP!" Anushka stated, making everyone around the table chuckle.

"I know right, it's like they're a match made in heaven.." Priyanka added.

"That's because they are." Shraddha teased,"Right guys?"

Their close friends nodded in agreement.

"I think it's pretty obvious whose wedding is next.." Hrithik said, in a teasing tone, making Alia blush as as she hid her face behind Varun's back.

"Varun, I'm invited from now, I'm telling you." Nushrat threatened him playfully.

"Are you guys high or something? What wedding? We're still studying. And please stop it because you're making my girlfriend shy." Varun threw his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders and pulled her to his chest, "Deepee, please make them shut up."

"Come on guys, leave them alone. Plus you're here to attend my wedding, not to plan his." Deepika said, making everyone chuckle.

"God, Deepee!" Varun groaned, making the chuckles turn into laughs.

"Okay, okay, sorry!" Deepika threw her hands up in fake surrender, "Anyways, let's get done with breakfast because we have a lot of things to do. Plus you are going out to show the guys around and then when you come back, the designers will be here and you'll have to choose your costumes."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded, before they got back to having breakfast, making small talk here and there.

Yay, two chaps in one day!!! Weren't expecting that, were you?!

Consider this my valentine's gift to y'all for your constant love and support.

HAPPY Valentine's Day ❤️

... To be continued

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