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After a while, Salman and Madhuri entered Varun's hospital room after they exited the doctor's office.

"Varun, baby! How are you feeling?" Madhuri went to sit on one side of the bed, taking her son's hand in hers.

"I'm fine mom, don't worry." Varun assured her with a small smile.

"How are you, son ?" Salman asked.

"As you can see." Varun replied with bitterness.

"Where's Deepee ?" Madhuri questioned when she didn't see her daughter around.

"Her and Ranveer went outside." Katrina replied.

"I hope you didn't say anything that upset her, Varun." Salman looked at his son pointedly.

"I think everyone's trying to be funny today! Firstly Deepee, and now you?! Why were you expecting me to do when I see her? Huh?! Hug her very happily and tell her how much I missed her and all that crap? You guys really think that I'd forgive you and act like nothing happened just because you were worried about me after an accident you caused me to have? That's pretty stupid." Varun chuckled humorlessly.

"Varun!" Salman frowned at his son.

"What Varun?! Hmm? As always, when you don't know what to say and you know you're in the wrong, you start yelling." Varun glared back at his father.

"Varun, you better shut your mouth before I do anything we'd both regret later." Salman said.

"Oh really?!" Varun challenged, already sitting up from his laying position, Alia - who was still on his side - helping him up and bringing his crutch to his side just in case he needed it.

"Wait a second, Varun!" Katrina motioned to her brother with her hand before turning to face her father, "What will you do, dad? Huh? What else could you do after everything you and Deepee have done? Is there anything worse than this that could happen to Varun? I'm really sad at the fact that we can't choose our parents in life, but what to do, this mine and my brother's luck!" She finished.

"Kat!" Salman exclaimed already raising his hand, ready to slap her.

Out of reflex, Katrina turned her face away and Varun - with the help of Alia - was in front of her, facing his dad, in seconds.

"Dad!" Varun yelled at the same time Madhuri yelled, "Salman!"

Alia was standing a step behind Varun with her arm around his back, helping him, while Katrina was fully behind him.

"Have you gone nuts, dad, or what? Is everything you know how to do is hitting your kids? I don't get it. Just because you got mad at what Kat said, you were about to slap her just the way you did with me. What kind of parent treats their kids like that?" Varun spat in his face.

"Um.. Varun, I think we should probably head out." Jacqueline spoke up, the awkwardness and tension killing everyone in the room.

"No, why would you guys go? There's nothing you don't already know, also," Deepika ans Ranveer came in at this moment, "I think dad is the one leaving right about now, don't you think?" He looked at his father dead in the eyes.

"What's going on?" Deepika and Ranveer asked after seeing the expressions on everyone's faces and how Varun was standing, probably arguing with Salman - the couple assumed.

"Nothing." Salman dismissed.

"Of course, nothing other than the fact that dad - here - was about to commit the same mistake he did with me and hit Katrina just because she said something he didn't like. Nothing big, really." Varun's voice was laced with sarcasm.

"What? Dad, you were actually going to do that?" Deepika looked at her father with wide eyes.

"Why do you look surprised, I don't get it?! He hot me the other day in front of you, and you didn't do a thing. So it shouldn't be a surprise anymore, and I'm sure you wouldn't have done anything this time either. Right?" Varun turned to look at his sister.

"Varun, can we just not talk about that day because it was one of the worst days of my life. Also, that's what I want to talk to you about and I'm not taking no for an answer. If you don't want to talk to me, no problem, but I have things to say and I'm not leaving until I say them." Deepika said.

"Uh, Varun... " Ranbir - who had went out of the room to answer a call - spoke up as he came back into the room, "Dad just called and we have to go home. So, we'll see you later dude."

"Sure, bye guys." Varun smiled.

"Bye." Shahid, Arjun and Parineeti replied before they followed Ranbir out.

"I'm leaving as well. Also, your mom and I filled out your leave papers and paid for your stay, you can leave tomorrow morning as the doctor said. Bye for now." Salman said, and everyone replied except Varun and Katrina.

As soon as his father left the room, Varun turned to his sister.

"You okay, Kat?" He pulled her into a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry. I mean, we got used to angry dad, so it's whatever." Katrina smiled reassuringly.

"Varun, can we talk now?" Deepika asked her brother.

"I have nothing to say to you, but if you want to talk then I can listen." Varun replied as Alia helped him back on the bed.

"Okay, sure. But we're gonna talk in front of your friends?" Deepika enquired.

"Yeah, it's fine. I don't keep anything away from them anyway." Varun said before any of his friends could utter a word.

"Okay," Deepika nodded taking a seat on the chair that was close to the bed, "Look Varun, I was so wrong about you that day and I shouldn't have done what I did, I know my mistake now. But trust me, if anyone was in my place, they would've done the same. I believed what my eyes saw and if I took your side, they would've said I did because you're my baby brother. Also the girl - whom whatever her name was - and her friend, came and said the same thing, they didn't even give me a chance to doubt that everything was planned. But after Kat told me everything in details, I knew the truth and I figured that what you were trying to explain to me that day was actually true. I got really upset and mad at myself for how I treated you and because I was the reason behind everything that's happened to you ever since. I'm really sorry, Varun. I really regret everything that's happened and I hate myself for everything that I did. If you don't forgive me, I'll never be able to forgive myself. Plus, you know how much I love you and I can't stand anyone saying something bad about you, I also don't like seeing you sad or upset. You're my only brother, you and Kat and Athiya mean the world to me. I can't stand having one of you mad at me. And listen, if you don't want to talk to me ever again, you have your reasons. You can stop talking to me but I hope you could at least forgive me," She took his hand in between hers, "Because I really can't live without you or imagine my life without you in it." She stopped to see if he was going to say anything but when he didn't, she continued, "Anyways, that's all I have to say. If you want to think about this, then take your time. Just know that I'll regret this for the rest of my life." She stood up from her seat, "I'll see you later, I guess. That's if you'll want to see me." She turned around to leave but Varun pulled her by the hand.

"I love you too, sis." He said, his eyes glistening with unshed tears just like Deepika's.

... To be continued

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