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After having finished talking to her brother on the phone, Katrina drove to where Varun had told her they were meeting and after he hang up with her, he sent a message to the rest of the group for them to meet him there.

After half an hour, they had all arrived at a secluded area - that overlooked the beach - with not many people around. They all parked their cars and kept the front lights on - since the street lights weren't helping that much - before getting out of the vehicles and leaning against them, all huddled together.

"Hey guys!" They all greeted Varun and Alia who were there first.

"Hey!" Varun and Alia replied simultaneously just as Katrina pulled up beside them and as soon as she got out of her car, she rushed to her brother, pulling him into a hug which he returned.

"You okay?!" She asked him, pulling away.

"I am, don't worry." He gave her a reassuring smile, "I guess from the look on your face, you know what happened?"

"Yeah, I know everything." Katrina nodded.

"Why? What happened?" Jacqueline asked the question that was on all of their friends' minds.

"Varun left home!" Alia replied shocking them.

"What?!" Gasps were heard all around.

"Don't make it a big deal, guys. It's not really the first time I fight with dad or Deepika." Varun shrugged.

"But this is the first time that it ends up with you leaving the house!" Katrina pointed out.

"Kat, come on, don't sweat it. I mean, I'm still here, it's not like I'm leaving the country. We can meet whenever you want, I'll be just a phone call away." He smiled softly at her trying to get her to calm down a bit.

"But dude, where are you gonna stay now? You can come stay at ours, you know that!" Sidharth told him.

"Yeah, you should. We'll have so much fun." Aditya exclaimed excitedly making Varun chuckle.

"They're right, Varun. I mean mom and dad love you, they wouldn't have a problem with you staying over. And you're practically friends with Ranveer. So, what say?" Jacqueline enquired.

"No, I wanna stay somewhere dad wouldn't be able to reach or find me. He knows your place." Varun told them.

"You can stay at ours!" Shraddha suggested.

"I already told him that, but it's not gonna be hard for his dad to know where he is. After all, our parents are business partners." Alia explained to her sister.

"Well, then, stay at ours!" Arjun perked up.

"Yeah, man! Our door is always open for you to come whenever and stay as long as you want." Shahid added.

"Totally!" Parineeti spoke up.

Varun looked at all of them before pulling Alia - who was standing beside him - in front of him, making her stand in between his legs and placing his chin on her shoulder as he wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Thank you guys for all the offers, but we're going on a trip for a week or so outside of Mumbai." He informed them so casually, as if he was talking about the weather.

"Hold up! What do you mean we?!" Kriti questioned.

"Als and I." Varun replied in a duh tone.

"What?!" Everyone let out, pretty much at the same time.

"What what?! I decided to go to Goa for a few days to clear my head and think about everything that's happened and Alia offered or more like wanted to go with me so I agreed. We also need the time away to talk about a lot of things, and I'm sure this'll be good for both of us. And we'll make sure to come back before exams start so that she can prepare for them." Varun explained.

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