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"What? What do you mean you love her?" Varun asked, shocked.

"I think it's very self-explanatory. I love your sister Kat. I have for two years now. There you go, that's what's going on." Aditya finished.

"What did you just say?" A feminine voice spoke up making the two turn to look at the owner just to find Katrina standing at the living room entrance with the rest of the group behind her, all with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Um.. Kat.." Varun started, not really knowing what to say or even what he wanted to say.

"Are you happy now? She's heard everything!" Aditya turned to glare at Varun.

"Can someone explain to me what I just heard?" Katrina exclaimed, looking between her brother and Aditya.

"Kat, can you calm down first." Sidharth tried to get her to cool down.

"I can't calm the fuck down, Sid. I want an explanation right now!" Katrina seethed.

"Kat, what you heard doesn't need an explanation. Adi said he has feelings for you, and you heard him. I think that's all there's to it. Let's not talk about this right now, I don't think it's the right time nor it is the right place." Varun told his sister.

"What are you saying, Varun?" Katrina started before turning to look at Aditya, "Adi, I know you can't have feelings for me. That's impossible, I mean we've been best friends for 13 years. You guys are shitting me right now aren't you? This is all a prank, isn't it?" She chuckled humorlessly.

"Why is it impossible for me to have feelings for you, Kat, huh?! Just because we've been friends for years, I shouldn't feel the things I feel for you? What kinda logic is that? Are you for real right now or are you just being stupid?" Aditya let out, annoyed.

"Adi, man, watch it!" Ranbir took a step forward to stand beside Katrina.

"Ranbir, can you not interfere?!" Varun sent him a look, "This is between both of them."

"But didn't you hear what he said? He's technically insulting her." Ranbir argued.

"I heard what he said just fine, and I've been her brother before you even became her boyfriend, so if I wanted to say something I would've. I would've stopped Adi myself, but this is a matter between the two of them. I won't interfere, so don't you either." Varun sent him a threatening look.

"Look, Kat! You know what? Forget everything I just said and everything you heard. Just forget everything that went on and act as if this never happened. Okay?!" Aditya looked at her for a second before storming out of the room and out of the suite.

Jacqueline was about to run behind him when Sidharth pulled her back, stopping her from doing so.

"Give him some time, he needs it to stay alone and think." Sidharth told his sister.

"I can't believe everything I just heard!" Katrina spoke up, falling onto the couch.

"Neither can I. I mean, yeah, he's my brother, but he's never told me about this before!" Jacqueline added.

"Just forget it about guys." Sidharth said.

"Uh, Kat.." Alia approached her, "What about we yo to our room so you can rest for a while? And you can even get a nap before everyone arrives tonight." She suggested.

"Yeah, sis, go take a nap and rest for a while." Varun leaned down to place a kiss on top of her head.

"Come on, guys. Let's go to our rooms." Shraddha looked at her sisters and the boys.

"Yep, let's go." Arjun nodded before they left the room, each group going to their own.

Jacqueline and Alia went to help Katrina up.

"Varun, I'll be back in a while. Okay?" Alia turned to look at her boyfriend before leaving the room.

"Sure babe." Varun sent her a lazy smile before she left with the girls leaving him and Sidharth all alone, as each one of them leaned down on a couch.

"Sid, since when do you know about this?" Varun asked his best friend.

"About a year maybe!" Sidharth replied.

"You've known for a year and you've never told me?" Varun said, annoyed.

"You know how Adi is, man. He made me promise him that I wouldn't tell anyone, especially you and Kat. Also, you weren't even in India when I got to know about it." Sidharth threw back.

"But how? I mean, he's always with different girls. It didn't seem like he was in love with someone." Varun wondered.

"Well, he's been doing that so we don't think that he's in love with anyone. And I think it also had something to do with making Kat jealous, or whatever." Sidharth explained.

"I would've never expected something like this to happen!" Varun let out a whistle at how crazy it all seemed to be.

"But how did you know?" Sidharth asked him.

"I noticed how his behavior changed ever since Kat told us about her date with Ranbir and how they're together. And every time they'd be together, all over each other or whatever, he'd act weird. I just caught onto it and I knew there was something going on with him. I even thought he had something against Ranbir or he knew something we didn't, and that's why he doesn't like the idea of Kat dating him. But the actual reason is something that would've never crossed my mind, to be honest." Varun admitted.

"Well, feelings suck. One can not control them. At first, he thouth that it was just a crush, that he just liked her and it was nothing serious, but then he'd be thinking about her all the time and shit. That's when he came to talk to me about it, because he thought that he was going crazy. And I just explained it to him that that's love. I mean I knew how he felt after all." Sidharth sighed.

"What do you mean you knew how it felt? Did the same thing happen with you and a girl or what?" Varun asked, turning his head to the side to look at his best friend.

"You can say that, yeah!" Sidharth nodded.

"Oh, so who was it?" Varun asked curiously.


... To be continued

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