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*At The Dhawan's*

Varun and Katrina arrived home just to find Deepika and Athiya in the living room.

"Hey!" The twins greeted.

"Hi." Their sisters replied just as one of the housekeepers came to them.

"Miss Katrina, Varun sir, would you like something to eat? Shall I prepare the table for you?" She asked them.

"No, I'm just here to change my clothes and go out. Thanks, though." Varun smiled politely at her.

"Same here. Thank you for asking us though. Anyways, I'll go put this stuff upstairs and come back." Katrina said as she took her stuff upstairs while the housekeeper went back to the kitchen.

"Anyways, I'm heading out now. I have a date with Ranveer. You guys don't stay out too late and take care." Deepika told Varun as she stood up.

"Okay sis." Varun nodded before Deepika headed out of the living room and the house and into her car as she drove off.

"Athiya, go change because I'm dropping you off at Alia's so that you can stay with Sooraj until Kat and I are back." Varun told his sister.

"Okay." Athiya stood up and headed upstairs to do as told.

"Don't take too much time." Varun yelled after her as he followed her upstairs to go to his room.

After ten minutes they were all ready and downstairs about to head out.

"Listen, Kat. I talked to the guys and we're meeting at Ranbir's. I'll drop Athiya off at Alia's, pick Alia up and we'll come together to meet you guys there." Varun informed Katrina.

"Okay, I'm heading straight to their house to meet Pari and the girls." Katrina told him before they both exited the house with Athiya behind them.

Katrina got in her car while Athiya got in the passenger seat of Varun's car and they both drove off into different directions.

*At The Bhatt's

The guards let Varun through the gate since they knew he was Alia's friend and so he drove in and around the small fountain that was positioned in front of the front doors, before hopping out of the car along with Athiya.

The door was opened immediately by Sooraj - since Alia knew they were just a few minutes away from the message Varun sent her and had informed her brother to keep an eye on the window - who greeted the siblings with a smile.

"Hey Sooraj." Varun did the guy-hand-shake thing with him.

"Hey, hi Athiya." He smiled at her and she returned it just as Alia came down and to the entryway where they were still standing.

"Hey Athiya." Alia gaelve her a small hug.

"Hi." Athiya smiled at her.

"How're you doing?"

"I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm fine. Anyways, I told Sooraj that you're staying with him until Varun comes back to pick you up. So feel at home and if you need anything, you have Sooraj, the housekeepers and the guards outside with you. Okay?" Alia informed her.

"Okay, thank you." Athiya replied.

"It's nothing, really. Let's go Varun." Alia took her purse before stepping out.

"If anything happens, call me. Okay?" Varun looked at his sister seriously.

"Don't worry brother, I will." Athiya rolled her eyes at him.

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