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The next day, it was the same as the previous ones.

Everyone wakes up, gets ready and head to whatever they need to be in their own cars.

Alia this day was late, her sisters had left before her so she was still driving her car and didn't have a long way left to arrive to college when her car broke down.

She didn't know what to, and she was sure her sisters had already reached school so the only solution she had is to call the only person whom she knows for a fact that he hadn't even left his house yet.

With that thought in mind, she stayed in her car, took her phone out of her backpack and called the number.

It didn't even ring for two times before he picked up.

"Hello?" - V

"Hey, Varun!" - A

"Hey, I was surprised to see your number calling. I thought you had deleted it and I was like who's calling me?" - V

"Why would I delete it?" - A

"I don't know." - V

"Anyways, where are you?" - A

"I'm about to head out, why?" - V

"Just like I expected. Anyways, my car broke down in the middle of the road and I had no other solution but to call you. So can you pick me up so that we can head to school together?" - A

"Of course, your wish is my command, princess." - V

"Oh, shut up. And come quick before we get late." - A

"Okay, where are you at?" - V

"I'm right in front of that coffee shop we used to buy coffee from every morning." - A

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. Stay inside your car, lock the doors and wait until I arrive." - V

"Okay, bye." - A

"Bye." - V


After 5 minutes, Varun stopped in front of Alia's car and he hopped out to open the door for her which she left her car and headed towards his.

When in reach, Varun pulled her in a greeting hug as he placed a kiss on her cheek before she got into the car and he did the same then they drive off, talking about different topics.


Meanwhile in college, Katrina and Jacqueline were sitting on a bench in the front yard of the building talking, when Natasha approached them.

"What do you want?" Katrina asked her.

"Listen, Kat-" Natasha started but got immediately cut off.

"My name's Katrina. Only family and friends call me Kat. Are you one of those? No. So please call me Katrina." Katrina said, annoyed.

"Okay, Katrina. I know that you don't really like me, for whatever reason that is but I just want you to know that I'm not your biggest fan either. However, I just came to ask you if you know where Varun is." Natasha glared at her and Katrina glared back.

"I don't know where he is, and if he comes then you'll see him." Katrina let out, not even looking at her.

"Oh, there he is." Jacqueline caught their attention as she pointed towards where Varun was parking his car, since they were sitting on a bench that was facing the gates of the school.

"It doesn't look like he's alone." Katrina pointed out.

"Yep, you're right. That does look like Alia though, don't you think?" Jacqueline wondered.

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