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"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Deepika questioned, smiling.

"Of course, I can't stay mad at you for so long and I also can't live without you." Varun smiled at her and she leaned down to engulf him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Varun. I promise you I'll make those three pay." Deepika promised.

"It's fine, Deepee. Stop apologizing. I shouldn't have said some of the stuff I said too, so I'm sorry as well. But can you let me get revenge on my own when the holiday's over?" Varun looked at his sister pleadingly.

"But..." Deepika trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything dangerous. I'm just gonna teach them a lesson." Varun assured her.

"Okay, as you like." Deepika shrugged before smiling, "I really missed you, I missed talking to you and hearing your silly and lame jokes." She ruffled his hair making everyone in the room chuckle.

"I'm lame, is that what you're trying to say?" Varun faked offense.

"You baby!" She pinched his cheek, lightly.

"And we're back to the baby-treatment." Varun groaned, throwing his head back against the pillow, "Can you stop it already? Also, Kat and I are the same age? Why doesn't she get treated the same way?"

"Because I'm older, if you don't remember." Katrina smile and everyone laughed at the annoyed expression on Varun's face.

"Who on earth lied to her and told her she's older?" Varun looked between Deepika and his mom, "We're twins, you know what that means, right? Twins means two siblings who were born on the same day at the same time. And if you were born before me by just a few seconds, it doesn't mean that you're older."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Katrina winked at him and he stuck his tongue out as a response.

"Anyways, thank God, everything's back to normal. Now you're going with us to Singapore, right?" Jacqueline asked Varun.

"I don't think so." Varun shook his head.

"Why?!" Deepika frowned.

"I don't know, I don't think I'll be able to spend more than a week looking at dad's face after everything he's done. Anyways, let's talk about this later. I'm really tired now." Varun dismissed the topic.

"Okay, we'll go now but we'll be bwck tomorrow morning to take you home." Deepika told him.

"I'm not going home with you guys." Varun protested.

"Why beta?" Madhuri asked her son.

"I don't wanna stay with your husband in the same house." Varun sighed.

"Varun, he's your dad, you're not supposed to talk about him like that." Madhuri scolded.

"Oh, please." Varun scoffed.

"Mom, it's okay, leave him be. You just go wait in the car and I'll talk to him." Deepika told her.

"But who's going to stay with him?" Madhuri wondered.

"I'll stay, mom, you don't worry." Katrina assured her and after that, Madhuri hugged Varun and bid everyone else goodbye before she headed out.

"Deepee, dont even try and convince me to go home with you guys tomorrow. I'm not, and that's final." Varun argued.

"Okay, I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want. But tell me where are you planning on staying? And I don't wanna hear at some hotel. I won't let that happen." Deepika said.

"You can stay at our place, Varun. You know that." Alia offered.

"Or at ours, I mean, we don't want you to stay at some hotel too." Jacqueline spoke up.

"Alia, your parents might not be fans of the idea of Varun staying with you because you're four girls in the house. Thank you so much honey for the offer, but I think it's better if he stays at Ranveer's. That way Ranveer will keep an eye on him and I could go visit whenever." Deepika smiled at the girls.

"Of course, no problem." Alia nodded, smiling back.

"Anyways, we'll leave now. We'll see you tomorrow." Deepika and Ranveer hugged Varun goodbye and waved at the others before they left.

Then Kareena and Saif came in to check on Varun and see how he was doing before they left, leaving the group of friends on their own, along with Aditya who had came back from his chasing adventure.

After a while of catching up, talking and laughing, everyone decided to call it a night so they all left, leaving only Katrina and Alia - who insisted on staying too - with Varun.

"Kat, can you please go take a walk or something? I wanna talk to Alia." Varun sent his sister a pleading look.

"Sure." Katrina replied, an amused smile on her face, before she waved at them and left them all alone, closing the door behind her.

... To be continued

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