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^^^Varun and Alia's outfits, without the glasses ofc.


At night, when families from both parts arrived, Deepika's and Ranveer's families welcomed them along with everyone else except for Varun and Alia who were still sleeping upstairs and Aditya who was still out.

Introductions were made, as Katrina introduced her friends to her cousins while Jacqueline introduced hers to the group as well. As the parents introduced the eldest to each other.

After everyone got to know everyone, they moved to the huge lobby to sit down on the couches, the younger ones standing or sitting on armrests.

"So, Kat, how have you been honey?" Aishwarya asked her, "It's been a while."

"I'm good, aunty, thanks. We've missed you and uncle Abhi and Nushrat." Katrina smiled at them.

"I missed you guys too." Nushrat spoke up.

"Jacqueline, Sid, how are you guys?" Anil asked the two.

"We're great uncle." Jacqueline replied.

"Where's Adi? You guys are usually always together.." Rani enquired.

"He's out for a while, he'll be back soon." Sidharth replied, nodding, hoping he wouldn't be asked any more questions about his brother.

"And how's the groom?" Kareena teased Ranveer.

"Good, Gabs." Ranveer replied using Gabriella's nickname in the family, "What about you? We've missed you."

" So you only missed our mom, not us?" Sonakshi accused, faking hurt.

"Don't think like that, Sona. He's missed all of you, he just doesn't know how to talk properly." Deepika slapped her fiancé's chest lightly, chuckling.

"Oh, Deepee, where's Varun? We haven't seen him yet?" Sanjay asked the eldest sister.

"Yeah, where's he, I missed my cousin." Kartik exclaimed.

"I have literally no idea, I've not seen him since lunch." Deepika shrugged her shoulders.

"He's up in his room, probably sleeping. I'll go tell him that you guys are here." Katrina told them before making her way to the elevator and up to the floor their rooms were on.

She started knocking and ringing the bell, not getting any response up until after 3 minutes.

"Kat.." Alia greeted her lazily as she opened the door before going back inside to Varun's room and sitting on his side, Katrina following her after closing the door.

"I've been knocking and ringing the bell for a whole 3 minutes. Where were you guys?" Katrina asked them as she stepped inside her twin's room.

"We were taking a nap." Alia replied, yawning afterwards.

"Anyway, I just came up here to tell you guys that everyone arrived and they're asking for you Varun. So you should probably head down to greet them." Katrina informed them.

"Everyone's here?" Varun asked, rubbing his eyes out of sleep.

"Yeah, both our family and Ranveer's." Katrina nodded.

"Why do you look down, though? Don't you love both parts?" Alia asked her best friend, picking up on her sour mood.

"Not really, I love all of them. It's just there's this girl called Kiara, Jacqueline's and the boys' cousin. She's so annoying and bitchy, I hate her." Katrina rolled his eyes.

"Oh, no. I don't like here either, she's way too annoying and clingy." Varun groaned.

"Well, you guys coming?" Katrina asked them.

"Yeah, I'll just change real quick and we'll be down." Varun nodded.

"I'll go change too, I can't go down looking like this." Alia pointed down to her sweat pants and t-shirt.

"Babe, I'll change and come to you so we can go together, okay?" Varun smiled lazily at his girlfriend.

"Okay." Alia smiled back before getting up to follow Katrina out of the suite and to theirs to change as Katrina went back down.

"Kat, you told Varun to come down?" Madhuri asked her daughter.

"Yeah, mom. He was sleeping, but him and Alia will be down in a few minutes." Katrina replied.

"It's really been a long time since I've last seen him, I've missed him so much.. And I love him so much, he's the only one with the best sense of humor in your friend group. You know that right?" Priyanka teased the others.

"Thanks so much cuz," Sidharth sent her a glare playfully, "I thought you loved me the most, turns you love my best friend more."

"You know that's not true, I love you guys all the same, as much as Vicky. But Varun is just so funny, you know." Priyanka chuckled.

"You guys talking about me behind my back?" The voice of the person they were waiting for came from behind them making everyone turn to look at him as he approached them limping - without his crutch - with Alia beside him, their hands intertwined.

"Varun!" Kartik exclaimed excitedly, "How are you cuz? I've missed you a lot!" He got up and rushed to throw himself onto Varun for a tight hug making groan from the impact as he chuckled, hugging him back.

"I'll be perfectly fine if you just get away!" Varun joked, making everyone chuckle as Kartik pulled away giving Varun the opportunity to go around, greeting and hugging everyone before he went back to stand beside Alia, pulling her closer.

"And this is Alia," He introduced her, "I'm sure you met the girls. Well, she's the fourth sister and at the same time, my girlfriend!"

"Nice to meet you." Was heard all around as everyone - excluding one person - smiled at the girl.

"Pleasure's all mime." Alia smiled back.

And then Varun went around introducing everyone else to her.

"You chose well, cuz." Ayushman joked.

"You literally just spoke my mind." Kartik yelled, pointing at him.

"I like her already." Nushrat grinned, getting up to go engulf Alia in a hug.

"Alu, just a piece of advice, don't get too close to her because she's kind of.." Varun trailed off, doing a gesture with his hand as if saying crazy.

"Oh, shut up! I'm not." Nushrat tried pushing him away, not succeeding at all.

"Don't worry, I won't listen to him. I like you too." Alia smiled at her.

"I'm just kidding girls, chill." Varun chuckled placing a kiss on the side of Alia's head.

"Anyways, what say we all go to our rooms now and sleep. We'll meet tomorrow for breakfast." Salman said, standing up and everyone nodded in agreement, following suit as they all wished each other's good nights and made their ways towards the elevators, and some towards the reception to get their key cards.

... To be continued

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