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In a very calm and rich neighborhood in London, there was one mansion at the corner with gates and all.

It was one of the biggest in the area, and even one of the few that were known around.

The Dhawan's household.

It was huge and even though it seemed empty, it was home-y and cozy and that's all that mattered to the people living there.

It had a lot of bedrooms, but only three of them were occupied.

One bed was already made as its owner was in the living room downstairs, watching a CD that's been protected for years.


2nd off, you were my first ever girlfriend and I'll make sure you're the last one too.

He did make sure that was the case, she thought.

I wanted to grow old with you so bad, and have a family, a house where we can raise our kids. But unfortunately, not everything goes as you want it to.

Unfortunately, her mind thought making her frown.

And just because I won't have all those things, doesn't mean you can't. I'm sure there's a million guys out there who'd kill to be with you. I believe you'll find someone better who'll appreciate you and love you more than I'd ever did.

I really wish you a happy life, a great partner who deserves you and even a greater future.

You're gonna be an amazing wife and mother, I'm sure of that. So don't hold back from experiencing all those things just because I'm not there.

I'm not, she thought.

Also, even if I'm not, I'll always be with you. You might not see me or feel me, but I'll be there, I promise.

I'm not sure if you'll want me to be though, considering everything I've done, but I will nonetheless.

And lastly, I wanna tell you to take care of yourself and please be there for Kat if she needs you. You might be the only thing left to her after me, so.." Varun shrugged both his shoulders, a sad smile on his face, as his eyes were glistening with unshed tears - opposite of Alia - who had waterfalls rolling down both her cheeks.

Then, Varun got up and walked towards the camera, kneeling in front of it until only his face was in the frame.

"I love you, Als. Don't ever forget that. You were my first true love and you'll definitely be my last. Bye."

"I love you too." A whisper was heard in the deadly silent room.

Alia was now wiping her tears away as she looked at Varun's face on the TV screen if front of her.

"Good morning mommy!" Two cute voices brought her out of her chain of thoughts, making her turn to look at them with a smile on her face.

"Good morning babies!" She looked at her 4 year old twins, Shanaya and Veer.

Both of them were more of a replica of their dad, than they were of their mom. And Alia didn't mind at all, as long as she got reminded of the only love of her life when looking at them, she didn't mind at all.

Not that she needed something or someone to remind her of him, he was in her mind and in her heart forever, anyway.

Both the kids ran to give their mother a hug and a kiss on each cheek before they pulled away grinning.

"Today's daddy day!" They both exclaimed together, jumping up and down, making Alia chuckle as a sad smile coated her face.

"Yeah, it is!" Alia nodded.

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