Forty Seven

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Taehyung still felt like he was walking on air when he returned to his mundane school routine. His head was full of thoughts of their time in Japan, and his heart was full of love for his boyfriend.

He was almost skipping down the halls of his university as he made his way to the canteen where he knew he would find his friends; they always congregated there before classes.

Surely enough, Jimin and Jin were there, huddled around a table as they sipped coffee.

"Hey guys!" Taehyung cheered, grinning widely at his friends as he spotted them across the room.

"Hey, tae!" Jimin beamed, as Jin waved at him with a smile.

"I missed you guys!" Taehyung exclaimed happily as he gave each of them an awkward sitting-standing hug.

"We missed you too!" Jimin told him as Taehyung took a seat next to him.

"Terribly." Jin snorted. "Why weren't you in for class this morning?"

"I was tired, you know, I got back from Japan last night pretty late." Taehyung told them.

"Right." Jin said. "I forgo-"

"Yeah, we wanted to make the most out of the trip so we booked a super late flight home so we could spend the whole day together before the flight." Taehyung interrupted.

"Anyway," Jin said. "We have an assignment due in a week so you'd better get on that soon."

"Yeah, I was going to start it sooner but I couldn't; Hoseok brought his laptop to Japan but I was so busy I didn't get a chance to look at any assignments." Taehyung told him. 

"Yeah, I just thought I'd remind you in case you forgot." Jin reasoned as he took a sip of his latte. "Usually you're so last minute with them."

"I didn't forget." Taehyung said pointedly. "It's just Japan was so amazing that I wasn't thinking of school, obviously."

"So, how was Ja-" Jimin started before jin interjected hastily.

"Don't take the bait." He hissed, knowing that as soon as someone asked, Taehyung would go on forever about every little nuance of his trip- not sparing any gruesome details.

"Huh?" Jimin asked dumbly, staring at Jin confusedly.

Jin cleared his throat, giving Jimin a pointed look before discretely shaking his head. Of course, he loved Taehyung to bits and he was happy that his relationship was evidently flourishing, but it was far too early to be listening to Taehyung go on and on and on about his love for his boyfriend. It was bad enough that he was stuck babysitting yeontan for the week while Taehyung was galavanting around Japan.

"What were you saying, chim?" Taehyung asked excitedly, knowing that Jimin was about to ask about his trip.

"I think he was just saying that Jungkook was sick last week." Jin lied. "Yeah, he had a cold or something."

"Oh, yeah, he actually was sick." Jimin nodded. "It wasn't serious or anything, just a cold-"

"No, you were asking how something was..?" Taehyung prompted, staring expectantly at jimin.

"No he wasn't." Jin said desperately, hoping he could at least get away before Taehyung launched into his recounting of his holiday.

"Jin, don't be rude!" Taehyung scoffed. "Jimin, you were saying...?"

"I was just asking how Japan was." Jimin said hesitantly, eyeing Jin apprehensively.

"Oh, Jimin, it was magical! Japan is so so cool and everyone there is so friendly! Hoseok can speak Japanese too, which is awesome- and he can also speak Chinese! I didn't even know that until last week! Isn't that crazy? He's like, multilingual! God, he's so smart that it sometimes blows my mind." Taehyung sighed dreamily, glad he had been given a reason to launch into his very detailed recount of his holiday. "Anyway, our trip: It was perfect~ it was so nice to spend all that time with Hoseok with no work or class in the way. I felt like a Prince the whole time; he took me out for dinner every night and we explored the city together all day."

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