Twenty six

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Thanks for 10k views!!!
We hit 10k like a week ago but I forgot to mention it because school stress blah blah blah. BUT it means a lot to me, i never thought this fic would hit 1k, but a whole 10k is more than I ever dreamt of seeing 😭😭😭😭

Update from future me; we've actually reached 12k by now and that just shows you how long I've been mia yikes but thank you to everyone who reads and comments, Writing is what I love to do best and seeing all the nice comments makes me feel really happy and a little better about my amateur writing ok ily all


"Taehyung, what happened to you?" Jimin gasped as soon as Taehyung sat down at their table in the canteen, a dark purple bruise covering his right cheek, spanning up to circle his eye.

Upon hearing his words, both Jungkook and Jin looked up and had similar reactions.

Jin gripped Taehyung by the shoulders, peering closely at his face to examine the damage.

"How did that happen? Did Hoseok hit you?" Jin asked fiercely, gauging Taehyung's face as he awaited a reply. "Taehyung, oh my god— is he abusing you?" 

"No!" Taehyung crowed, angrily slapping Jin's hands away from his face. He was offended that Jin thought that lowly of Hoseok. "Hoseok would never- in a million years- ever hit me!"

"Then who did this?" Jin questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in seriousness.

"I- I don't want to talk about it..." Taehyung trailed off sadly, his lips downturning into a pout. "It doesn't really matter."

"Of course it matters!" Jin shrieked. "You've got a fucking black eye!"

"Can you drop it?" Taehyung questioned exasperatedly. "Please? I really do not want to talk about it."

"Alright then, why were you so late this morning then?" Jin changed the topic. "I didn't see you this morning."

"Hoseok didn't want me to come in after... everything.. so I spent most of the morning trying to convince him that I would be fine at school." Taehyung explained hesitantly. "He even offered to call in sick to spend the day with me."

"What actually happened then?" Jungkook inputted confusedly. "And who's Hoseok?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Jungkook!" Taehyung snapped, pulling the bento box Hoseok made especially for him out of his bag before slamming it on the table. Hoseok had put extra effort in today in a vain attempt at cheering Taehyung up, even going so far as to cut little shapes out of nori to make the onigiri look like pandas.

"Yikes.." Jimin grimaced at Taehyung's foul mood, deciding to introduce a new topic to lighten the conversation. "Ahh, your lunch looks super cute tae."

"Yeah," Jin agreed with Jimin's statement. "Did you make it yourself?"

"No," Taehyung sighed. "Hoseok did."

He could hear Jungkook whisper "Who the fuck is Hoseok?" to Jimin, who shrugged and shook his head.

"You're really in a shitty mood, huh?" Jin pointed out the obvious and Taehyung nodded, his scowl still fixed in place.

"It'll be fine, I'm just tired and not really in the mood to talk." Taehyung lied half heartedly and Jin sighed as Taehyung pulled out his phone under the table, indicating that he was in a far from social mood.

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