Forty Six

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Sorpresa! Another update within 6 months of the last! The last chapter kinda flopped in terms of reception which was disheartening but it's okay. This is only a filler, it's pretty short but that means you get it much sooner so yay! Enjoy! :) 
Ps. Here's a pic of my cat Momo going for a walk in case anyone is having a bad day and needs a pick-me-up ^

Something had been plaguing Taehyung's mind for the last few days, it would pop into his head at the most inconvenient of times; while they were having dinner, while they were exploring the bustling streets of Tokyo, it even kept him up at night as he lied in their lush hotel bed.

And now, as they were currently strolling hand in hand through an aquarium, Taehyung couldn't even appreciate the adorable squeals Hoseok would emit every time he spotted a funny looking fish, because his mind was laden with thoughts and worries.

"Look, Taehyung!" Hoseok cried gleefully, shaking Taehyung's arm as he pointed to an axolotl.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed distractedly, looking vaguely in the direction that Hoseok was pointing in.

"It's a weird fish lizard thingy." Hoseok elaborated, peering at the tiny description plaque on the wall next to its tank. "Oh- It's an axolotl!"

"Yeah." Taehyung nodded absentmindedly. "It's cute."

"You feeling okay, honey?" Hoseok asked worriedly, looking away from the fish tank to check on his boyfriend. He had definitely noticed that Taehyung was a little distracted for the past few days; something that worried him. He was starting to think that maybe Taehyung was put off by the smothering amount of affection he'd been displaying towards the younger throughout the trip.

"Yeah, yeah." Taehyung brushed him off hastily. "I'm fine, it's nothing."

"Are you tired?" Hoseok guessed, they had been doing an awful lot of sightseeing and walking around so maybe Taehyung was just a little burnt out from all the tourism. "Do you wanna head back to the hotel for a rest before dinner?"

"No, it's okay!" Taehyung shook his head. "You're having such a good time looking at the fish! I'm fine, I promise! Come on, we still have to go see the sharks."

He offered Hoseok a reassuring smile as he gave his boyfriends hand a squeeze. He hoped that his reassurances would be enough to distract Hoseok from the way he was acting- he didn't want to ruin Hoseok's vacation.

He watched as Hoseok wandered happily around the aquarium, his wonder evident on his face as he peered into tank after tank of fish. He adored the gift shop too, and they came away from the aquarium with more than a few trinkets: plushes, stationary, and even a hoodie. Hoseok had also bought a turtle keychain for Taehyung to make him feel better since he was obviously perturbed by something.

Once they got back to the hotel, Taehyung had planned to just relax and get ready for dinner, but it seemed that Hoseok had other plans.

He was confused as, once they had the hotel room door closed behind them, Hoseok dragged him over to the bed before pushing him down so that he was sitting.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked as Hoseok took a seat next to him.

"You've been acting off all day." Hoseok said knowingly. "So, come on, spill. Tell me what's bothering you."

"I'm not acting off." Taehyung denied hastily. "You're acting off- Nothing's bothering me."

"Honey, I know you by now, I know when somethings wrong. Plus you didn't even smile when we went to the touch tank at the aquarium, so obviously somethings not right." Hoseok said softly. "Have I done something? Just tell me so I can try to make it better."

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