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I went back to edit the last chapter and I forgot an entire word in the first sentence👏🏻👏🏻well done good job me

This chapter sucks ass btw sorry in advance also it's not edited

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" Taehyung whispered, cocking his head to the side questioningly.

He'd gotten a text from Seokjin that morning asking him if he wanted to hang out and of course he said yes, never missing out on an opportunity to spend time with his friends.

Now, however, he was beginning to question his decision to meet up with the older boy.

He thought that they were going to go shopping maybe, or something else fun- but this certainly was not what he had in mind.

Jin had taken him, along with Jungkook, to the cinema, which seems like a perfectly acceptable way to spend time with a friend, right? No, the other two had no intentions of watching the Pre-movie ads displayed on the screen. They'd much rather watch their unsuspecting friend from two rows back.

"I told you, I don't trust him." Seokjin whispered quietly so as not to blow their cover as he stalked Jimin on his supposed date with Yoongi.

"That much is obvious considering you drove us all the way here to stalk Jimin and that guy!" Taehyung exclaimed, still in shock at the fact that Jin would go to such lengths to 'protect his child' as he put it.

"And- no offence- but why did you bring him," He motioned to Jungkook. "Isn't he in the middle of a scrap with Jimin?"

"Jungkook is the one who warned me about the Min yoongi." Jin informed him, keeping his eyes glued to the couple in front of him. Taehyung couldn't help but notice that the older said yoongi's name as is it was some kind of disease. "Apparently he's a notorious man whore and I can't let Jimin be hurt by him. Jimin's a sensitive guy, he's not built for Yoongi's type of scene."

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, astonished that he even bothered to help after his tantrum the previous week.

"What made you decide to help out? I thought you were petrified that he'd try to get up your ass when you weren't looking." He said, earning a glare from Jin at his vulgar choice of words.

"He's my best friend," Jungkook frowned, deciding to ignore the last part of Taehyung's rant. "I miss him."

"So you're okay with it now?" Taehyung asked skeptically. "The whole gay thing."

"Yeah- well, I'm trying to be. To be honest I'll accept anything to get him back, I never realised how much I would miss him until he left us for that dick." Jungkook spat, glaring at the back of yoongi's head. "And besides you and Jin are gay too and I'm kinda scared of him."

Taehyung laughed at the last part, nodding his head in silent agreement as he watched Jin stare at Jimin intently.

"So if I started talking about how incredibly sexy T.O.P was would that make you uncomfortable?" Taehyung smirked mischievously as the younger made a face.

"I think I'll need a bit of time to come to terms with the whole thing before we get to that stage..." He trailed off, looking away awkwardly.

"Guys be quiet, I'm trying to hear what they're saying." Jin urged, not even taking his eyes off Jimin for a second.

"Hyung, this is borderline psychotic," Taehyung grumbled. "It's not like they're going to start riding if you look away for a minute."

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