Thirty one

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He makes my heart melt ^^
"Morning tae." Hoseok smiled as a disheveled Taehyung pushed open the door to the living room.

"Mornin' daddy." Taehyung grinned cheekily, skipping over to Hoseok, who was sitting at their dining table eating breakfast, taking a seat next to him.

"Sleep well?" Hoseok asked, taking a sip of his coffee as Taehyung shuffled closer and rested his head on the older's shoulder.

"Yeah." Taehyung chirped happily, sneaking a bite of Hoseok's toast. "Your cuddles must have worked~"

"Told you they would." Hoseok replied, smacking Taehyung's hand away as he went for his breakfast again. "I take it you're hungry then?"

Taehyung nodded sheepishly, giving Hoseok puppy eyes before he popped the question;

"Can you make me breakfast? Pretty please?"

"You're hopeless." Hoseok sighed, taking the last few bites of his toast before Taehyung could eat it for him. He was starting to think that he'd spoiled Taehyung beyond repair, he was so whipped that one look at Taehyung's puppy eyes could make him do anything the younger boy required.

"Hopelessly in love with you~" Taehyung countered, kissing Hoseok on the cheek to sweeten him up.

"Alright, I'll make you breakfast." Hoseok agreed, causing Taehyung to cheer. "But I don't have long, I don't want to be late for work."

"That's okay!" Taehyung sang, pushing back his chair in order to follow Hoseok to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" Hoseok asked as Taehyung hopped up onto the counter top to watch him make breakfast.

"Mmmmm.." Taehyung hummed indecisively. "How about... French toast?"

"Sure thing, sweetheart." Hoseok beamed, rummaging in the fridge for the ingredients for Taehyung's breakfast.

"Thanks seokie!" Taehyung cooed, swinging his legs happily as he watched Hoseok crack eggs into a bowl.

"Hey- What days are you finished early?" Hoseok asked randomly, taking a break from whisking his batter to look up at Taehyung.

"Well," Taehyung began. "Wednesdays are good because I only have one lecture from twelve to half one, and on Friday I'm only in for an hour at ten. Why?"

"Just wondering." Hoseok said. "I was just thinking about how I always say I'm going to take you out more, but I never do. So I thought; date night."

"Date night?" Taehyung echoed in a questioning tone.

"Date night." Hoseok confirmed. "Like if we go out once a week and do something fun together, you know? Like dinner, cinema- anything really. Just us two."

"That sounds nice." Taehyung said in awe. "I'd like that."

"I'd like that too." Hoseok replied as he dunked a slice of bread into his mixture before plopping it in the frying pan. "So which works better for you; Wednesday or Friday?"

"What about Wednesday?" Taehyung suggested eagerly. "Or we could do Wednesday and Friday- or Wednesday and Saturday? That way he have like, weekday date night and weekend date night, you know? We can do more time consuming stuff on the weekends because you won't have work!"

"I didn't think you'd be this excited," Hoseok laughed. "But Wednesday and Saturday sounds good to me."

"Why wouldn't I be excited?" Taehyung gushed. "I get to spend time with my boyfriend and do something fun."

"I'm glad you're on board with the idea, baby." Hoseok chuckled, plating up the stack of French toast he made and pouring a generous helping of syrup on top before handing the plate to Taehyung. "Here you go."

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