Fifty Five

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Hoseok was in the kitchen, slaving over the stove as he cooked a dinner for himself and Taehyung.

He had just got back from his trip to France and found himself in the extremely rare situation where he had a completely clear schedule. Since the opportunity was so scarce, Hoseok couldn't think of any better way to spend his free day than to surprise his boyfriend with a romantic evening for two.

He took his time making the house look perfect; tidying up the messes that Taehyung had made while he was away, changing their bedsheets so they had a nice, clean bed to cuddle up in, and lighting some candles in the bedroom to set a romantic mood. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to take one of the roses out of the bouquet of flowers that he had bought for his lover, before pulling the petals off, and arranging them into a heart on the bed; he knew that Taehyung was a sucker for little romantic details, so he always made sure to go the extra mile to sweep his boyfriend off his feet.

Once he had the house clean and the bedroom set up, he set the table, even going as far as to put a tablecloth down before placing the rest of the bouquet of flowers that he had bought for the younger boy in a vase at the centre of the table and using the finest silverware and crystal glasses to make Taehyung feel pampered.

All that was left now, was to finish cooking and wait for Taehyung to get home after his final exam. Of course, he could always have ordered an extravagant meal in from a restaurant, but he felt that preparing a home cooked meal made with love would mean so much more to Taehyung.

He was beyond excited to see his boyfriend; he couldn't wait to hear about Taehyung's time alone, share his own experience in France and cuddle the younger until he'd made up for their time apart. He also couldn't wait to get Taehyung upstairs after his week of chastity, he missed the feeling of Taehyung's soft lips against his own, the feeling of Taehyung's smooth hands exploring his body; he could hardly stand the wait, Taehyung had done a lot of teasing about what he wanted to do as soon as they saw each other.

He jumped in fright as he heard the front door slam shut, almost burning himself on the boiling pot on the stove. He checked his watch in case he had lost track of time and Taehyung was already finished with his exam. To his surprise, Taehyung's exam wasn't finished yet, and the younger wasn't due home for at least an hour.

"Taehyung? Is that you?" He called out in confusion, his voice wavering slightly as he panicked about the possibility of being murdered by the intruder.

His answer came in the form of a sullen Taehyung bursting into the kitchen and making a beeline for Hoseok before slotting himself into the older man's arms.

It was obvious that something was up, aside from him being home early, because Hoseok had just been away for two whole weeks and there was no way that a normal Taehyung would greet him with a scowl after so long apart.

"Taehyung, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked worriedly as Taehyung rested his face against his chest, his eyes closed and his lips downturned in a frown. "Why are you home so early? Did something happen, honey?"

"I feel sick." Taehyung whined, a childlike air to his voice as he shoved his face into Hoseok's jumper. "I couldn't even finish my exam, I had to hand it in early and come home because I feel so bad."

Hoseok sighed, wrapping one arm around Taehyung's waist, and using the other to smooth his hair comfortingly. He couldn't help but feel as though the younger boy was dramatizing his sickness to get off college because of the supposed cold he had been suffering through for the past few days. "Baby, it's probably just allergies, you could have hung in there until you were finished- you know every second is valuable when you're sitting exams. Plus, I was making dinner to surprise you and now it's not a surprise anymore. I know we missed each other- believe me, I couldn't wait to see you- but you didn't have to cut your exam short."

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